Chapter Twenty-One: Demon Summoning.

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'Change.' Molly handed Tanya a plain, white dress. Tanya took it and went into Molly's room. 

Molly and Suzanne had already changed. 

'I'm back,' Aunt Lisa. 'I got everything on your list.'

Molly looked through the contents of the plastic bag. Salt, Cinnamon, Candles and Black Pepper.

Molly smiled. 'Now, Lisa. I want you to go upstairs and make sure all the windows and doors are open. We have no idea where the Demon will enter from.'

Aunt Lisa nodded and got to work. Molly then turned to Suzanne.

'Do you have the book?'

Suzanne went to her handbag and pulled the book out. It sent shivers down Molly's spine. The cover of the book was made of flesh.

Tanya came out of the room. 'Won't your Dad be confused when he comes home and sees what's going on?'

'He won't be back until morning,' Molly shrugged. 'Now, help me move the furniture so that we have a large empty space.'

After that was done, Molly made a large circle out of salt. She placed the book in the direct center of the circle. 

'Suzanne, make a triangle around the book with the black pepper,' Molly instructed. 

As Suzanne was making the triangle, Molly and Tanya placed seven candles around the circle and lit them. After Suzanne was finished with the triangle, they placed three black candles at each edge of the triangle, but didn't light them. 

'Now, we each have to face one point on the triangle. Whatever you do, don't move out of the circle,' Molly warned. 

'What about Aunt Lisa?' Suzanne asked in concern.

'The Demon won't harm her. She isn't taking part in the ritual,' Molly explained. She placed some powdered cinnamon in each girl's right hand. 

Molly took a deep breath. 

'Et ex hoc anima nostra cum cinnamomo,' She said. 'We hereby cleanse our souls with cinnamon.' Molly then tossed the cinnamon over her left shoulder. Suzanne and Tanya looked at each other, and then did the same.

The black candle facing Tanya suddenly lit itself. The orange flame didn't even flicker. 

'Antiqua animae Septentrio, Meridies , Oriens et Occidens invocaverimus te protegat,' Molly spoke fluently. 'Ancient Souls of the North, South, East and West, we call on you to protect us.'

The candle adjacent to Molly lit, the flame was blue.

'Neque invocamus, quod spiritus vitae!' Molly suddenly exclaimed. 'We invoke the one who never breathed life!'

Suzanne's candle lit. The blood red flame flickered violently. 

'Repeat after me,' Molly said. 'Invocamus. Invocamus. Invocamus!'

Tanya and Suzanne repeated the words. They got louder and louder until a cold wind flowed through the room. The flames flickered but didn't go out. 

The flames of the seven candles on the outer circle suddenly became larger and brighter. 

Suzanne felt her heartbeat speed up. It was coming. 

The wind was swirling all around them now. The candles stayed lit, though. Suzanne shivered as the cold breeze made her feel like her bones were freezing over. 

Suzanne realized that Molly and Tanya were looking at her, fear and shock in their eyes. 

'What?' Suzanne asked.

'Behind you,' whispered Tanya.

'No, don't turn around!' Molly shouted over the howling wind. 'If you look at It the spell will be broken!'

Suzanne could now feel the presence behind her. It was so close. She gulped.

'Don't worry, It can't enter the circle,' Molly assured. 

Closing her eyes, Molly faced the Demon.

'Quid est nomen tibi?' she said. 'What is your name?'

Suzanne heard the Demon chuckle behind her. 

Realizing the Demon wouldn't answer, Molly tried something else. 

'If you tell me your name, I'll give you the girl,' she said casually.

'Foolish one,' the Demon said in Its raspy growl. Suzanne felt Its breath against her neck. 'You would never.'

Molly didn't give up. She opened her eyes and picked the book up, careful not to hit one of the candles. She held the book over the flame. 

'I can read the Incantation and send you back to the Mirror Realm,' she warned.

'I'm too powerful, human,' the Demon growled. 

'So, you wouldn't mind if I burnt the book to a crisp?' 

The Demon was silent. 

Molly smiled. 

'If I burn the book, half your power will be gone,' she warned. 'The Spells in the book are magical. You're bound to them.' 

The Demon said nothing. 

Molly lowered the book. The flame hit it and it sparked. The edge of the book caught fire. 

The Demon growled behind Suzanne. It wasn't a usual growl of anger, it was one of pain. 

'I can end your torment and put out the flame,' Molly offered. 'Tell me your name, foul One!'

The Demon screamed. 

'Tell me!' Molly shouted. 

Suddenly, one of the candles in the outer circle fell to the floor and went out. 

The Spell was broken. At once, all the candles flickered and went out. The book stopped burning immediately. 

The Demon laughed in triumph. 

Suddenly, Molly threw a handful of cinnamon on the Demon. She grabbed Suzanne's hand and pulled her away as the Demon screamed in pain. 

Black smoke surrounded the Demon as It covered Its face. 

'SHE'S MINE!' It screamed. 

All of a sudden, It lunged at Molly and Suzanne. It hit Molly with such a force she crashed into the wall. It wrapped Its clawed fingers around Suzanne's wrist, digging into her. 

Tanya ran up to them, but before she could do anything, the black smoke started surrounding Suzanne and the Demon. 

Suzanne screamed in anguish and horror as everything went black. 


Author's Note:

How was this chapter? I can't believe it, this book is almost to the finale! Only about three-four chapters to go! 

Dedicated to @AishaCheemia for all the support!! 


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