Chapter One: College, Goodbyes, Roommates and Demons.

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Author's Note:

Hello, my wonderful readers. So, here we go! The amazing sequel to "The Other Side". I am SO sorry I took so long to post this story. It's been a busy few months.

IF YOU FORGET WHAT HAPPENED IN THE OTHER BOOK, THERE'S A RECAP. Be sure to read it so you will become familiar with the story again.

I won't be able to update very often, maybe once or twice every two weeks. Sorry. :(

I do hope you enjoy!! :)



At first, she didn't know where she was. She looked around in confusion. All around her was black. The darkness extended as far as she could see.

And then she remembered.

She remembered this place very well.

Tears welled up in her eyes. Didn't she get out of here? Didn't she get freed from this prison of horrors? She couldn't remember. It was a vague memory. She could barely remember anything.

She started screaming. She heard nothing. No sound emitted from her mouth. The tears flowed down her cheeks.

'Help me!' she screamed, hoping someone would hear her.

No sound came out. She couldn't hear her voice. There was a faint ringing deep in her eardrums.

And then It appeared. A demon. A demon who lived in the mirrors. A demon who only appeared in the shadows. It was the only thing she saw in this world of darkness. It's red eyes glowed brightly... maliciously. It smiled, revealing it's row of sharp, yellow fangs.

'No!' she screamed. 'Don't come any closer!'

She couldn't hear her own voice, but she somehow knew that the creature had heard her.

It took one step towards her.

'You're mine,' it whispered.

She had never heard it's voice before. It was like a whisper. A harsh, beastly growl.


Suzanne gasped in horror as she woke up. What a nightmare! She could still feel the tears running down her cheeks. She could hear the Demon's beastly growl.

'Suzanne! What happened? You were crying in your sleep!' Kathrine exclaimed from beside her.

Suzanne was a bit confused at first. She looked around, unsure of where she was. Then she remembered she was in the backseat of Aunt Lisa's car. She had probably fallen asleep during the five hour ride.

'Sorry to alarm you,' Suzanne said breathlessly. 'It was a nightmare.'

'You haven't had a nightmare in two weeks,' Kat said worriedly. 'Are you sure you're ready for college yet?'

'Of course,' Suzanne said. 'I won't stay away from college because of a few measly dreams.'

'Suzanne's right,' Aunt Lisa said from the Driver's seat. 'Suzanne probably had the dream because she's a bit anxious. Today is, after all, her first day of college.'

'You're right,' Kat said. 'I'm sorry I was so over-dramatic.'

'Don't worry, you're just concerned. I'd be scared if you weren't,' Suzanne assured.

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