Chapter forty three.

Start from the beginning

She loves me?

 ‘’I love you’’ she whispers again confirming any doubts I had. Her lips quivering slightly, she’s still on the verge of crying. Her makeups all smudged and her hair is all over the place but she still looks perfect.

I pull her down crashing her lips against mine, she’s a little shocked at first but within a few seconds she’s kissing me back. It feels like heaven.

My hands run down her perfect body allowing me to remember every inch, every curve, and every imperfection which actually makes her even more perfect. I remember every touch we’ve ever shared, every kiss, every single perfect memory. I never want to go without her touch again, I never want to sleep alone, if I had my way her lips would be pressed against mine ever second of the day.

Emma’s hands grip onto my hair pulling at it roughly, the pain it leaves is incredibly. I let out a throaty moan against her lips causing Emma to giggle.

Feeling her smile and laughter against my lips leads me into laughter also, reluctantly I pull away from Emma allowing myself to study her face.

I need to know if she regrets this, I hope she doesn’t but usually she does when it comes to us.

She looks at me her eyes a mixture of excitement and fear, her lip pulled in-between her teeth.

‘’That was…’’ I breathe

‘’ I know’’ Emma interrupts a smile growing across her face.

‘’So now what?’’ She asks

‘’ I don’t know Em’’ I mumble my hand running though my curls.

‘’Oh’’ she sighs, clearly she was expecting me to have it all figured out.

I probably should of done really considering I told her I loved her first, I should of known what I wanted.

‘’What do you think?’’ I ask gripping my hands tightly onto her thighs.

‘’I want you. Remember I told me if you kissed me again I was yours, well I am now’’ she whispers looking into my eyes deeply.

‘’ I want us to be together, like an actual couple but you don’t want that’’ she continues sighing slightly as she looks away from me.

‘’And we can’t go back to before?’’ I question.

‘’No Harry how can we? That’s no feelings, no emotions and well I’d say loves a pretty big feeling isn’t it’’ she snaps a little angry with me now.

She’s right though, there’s no way we can do that again.

‘’So say we become a couple what does that make you? My girlfriend?’’ I ask my voice shakes a little.

Forced to become Mrs Styles (A Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now