The spark that had attracted you to the redhead had disappeared long ago.

"You took the two of us on a date tonight, Melanie. Not because you wanted to spend time with me, because you wanted to stalk her on her first date with a completely respectable guy! The entire night, you were out of it, and I tried to ignore it, but after the stunt you just pulled..." All of Serena's fire melts. Her shoulders slump.



"I don't think that this relationship is working out."

"... Serena?"

"I think we should break up."

"Serena, I-"

"No." Her eyes meet yours. They're red from all the tears you've caused, her cheeks blotchy. "I tried so hard to save a relationship that can't be saved. You're in love with her. Not me. And," her eyes shift back to the floor, "it's time for me to accept that."

"Serena, I love you." The words sound distorted to your own ears. Serena's face is stone-cold,her tone sober.

"No, you don't. It's time for you to stop lying to me and to her. Because what you're doing right now, lying about your feelings to make me feel better? That's only making this situation worse."

You're desperate now. "But Serena, I love you!"

"Stop!" She covers her ears. "I hate you, Melanie! You're a bitch!"

You move to grab her hand.

"Don't fucking touch me!" She spits, her words filled with poison. "If I were you, Melanie, I would lose my number." She slams the door so hard that a few of the cat stickers on the door frame fall off from the force.

You blink once, twice, three times.

You pinch yourself.

"Ouch!" You jump.

It's not a dream.

Red is gone.

And you don't think she's ever coming back.

You collapse to the floor.

And in a moment of pure weakness, all alone on the worst day of your life in a quiet, empty apartment, you begin to cry.


Dean drops her off at Tatem's. The younger girl had already retrieved everything Winnie might need for the next few weeks. By the way Winnie was sobbing when she had called, it sounded like whatever this fight was wouldn't be able to be resolved in a few days.

"Maybe you should just move in with me."


"Sorry, bad timing."

"Yeah. Hi, Lambeau. Hey, Tigger."

"You guys'll get through this, Winnie. You always do."

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