The End.

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Two years later.

I bet you're wondering what took Braxton so long to get to the hospital. He was picking out my engagement ring. Leave it to him to have the best intentions with the worst timing.

I stood in my backyard full of friends and family all here to celebrate Hudson's second birthday. He was running around in circles acting like a mad man. As always.

Nina was cutting the massive motorcycle cake.

(I know what you're thinking, and yes, he's just like his daddy.)

My mom was filling up punch cups.

Vince and my dad were sitting at the table talking.

Hendricks was following Hudson in circles.

Sam and Cassie were arguing about whether it was okay for Piper to eat grass.

(Cassie found out she was pregnant a couple days before I had Hudson.)

Braxton was standing at the grill flipping burgers.

And everyone else was standing around talking or eating.

I felt myself get teary eyed as I watched everyone. This was my life. These were my people.

"Mama." Hudson's tiny voice brought me out of my emotional moment.

"Yeah baby?" I looked down.

"Wook at dis candy!" And just like that he stuck a nasty worm in his mouth. Yep. These were my people.

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