Chapter Two

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He ran his nose up and down the bridge of mine. I held my breath and looked into his icy blue eyes.

"Brax!" A group of men appeared behind me. "We gotta go."

Braxton pulled back and frowned.

"Like now."

"I'll see you around Ainsley." He flashed me a smile and left me standing breathless in a crowded bar.

Well shit.

I grabbed my things and went up to pay my tab.

"No darlin' you're covered." The pretty brunette bartender flashed me a smile.

"What?" I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"Any girl of Brax's is always taken care of." She walked off before I could inquire any further.

When I got home I went straight for my shower. I rinsed away the day, but my mind was stuck on a pair of icy blue eyes. Why was I so stuck on him? I didn't even know him. I'd only met the guy for the first time the previous day, but I couldn't get him off my mind. I shook the thoughts out of my head. I'd never been boy crazy before, and I really wasn't in the mood to start.

After my shower I set my alarm clock and crawled into bed. I was just starting to doze off when I heard the rumble of his motorcycle. A shiver rolled down my spine. I squeezed my eyes shut and forced any thought of him out of my brain.

Jesus I felt like I was in high school.

My first week at the emergency room was a hectic blur. I had a lot of car wrecks and a couple hundred alcohol poisoning patients.

One of the add-ons of working in a Vegas hospital was all of the patients who come in because of alcohol or drugs.

Friday night rolled around and I was in need of a drink. Or ten. I straightened my long blonde hair so that it hung down to the middle of my back with a shine. I decided on a smokey eye look and pulled on a pair of ripped up faded skinny jeans that were skin tight. I dug through my closet and decided on a black Guns and Roses tank that had fringe hanging at the bottom. Normally I wouldn't wear something as risque, but here lately my clothing choices had gotten tighter and more revealing. I'm sure it had nothing to do with my next door neighbor.

I walked over to the mirror and looked at my get up. You could see half of my stomach because of the fringe and my tanned legs peaked through the holes in my jeans. I grabbed my purse, keys and phone and drove to the bar.

The parking lot was packed. I thought for a second about going back home and changing, but then I saw a glimpse of that blacked out Harley and I got out of my car and walked into the bar without batting an eye.

"Same thing as last time?" The bartender asked.

"Nah." I sat down on a stool. "Make it a Jack and Coke." I was feeling feisty.

"You got it babe." She poured me my drink "I'm Cassie by the way." She sat my whiskey on the bar.

"Ainsley." I gave her a smile. I downed my drink, "Make the next one a double."

"Hey." His familiar voice made me melt into my chair.

"Hey." I looked over at him, sounding breathless. Jesus Ains get your shit together.

"How was your first week?" He sat down on the bar stool next to mine, and took a swig of his beer. I watched as his Adam's apple dipped and for some God forsaken reason I thought it was hot as hell.

"Successful." I smiled at him and downed my second drink.

"Easy babe that's three shots of Jack in fifteen minutes." Cassie walked up and collected my glass.

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