Chapter Twenty One

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I walked through my front door and stormed to the kitchen where Braxton was standing at the stove cooking. I grabbed a bottle of my favorite wine out of the fridge popped the cork and starting drinking.

"Ainsley." Braxton's eyes looked wary.

"6 years." My voice was shaky with anger. "I worked my ass off for six years to become a doctor." I took another long gulp. "I took over a hundred tests to become a doctor, and here I was wasting my talent on the man who tried to kill me; all because I'm in a relationship with you."

"Baby." His voice was soft.

"NO." I slammed the bottle down on the counter. Hard enough to make my point but not hard enough to shatter it. "This is my job! It's one thing to mess with me and my life, but no one messes with my job. No one messes with my career. And I can't have people pointing guns at me when I'm trying to do my job. I can't have your buddies or your enemies barging into MY hospital while I'm working."

"I'm sorry." He looked sad.

"Just leave Braxton." I put my forehead into my hands. "I want to be alone."

Braxton turned off the stove and left. I put the wine back in the fridge and ran a bubble bath. I just couldn't do this. I couldn't jeopardize my career. Not even for love.

After my bath I drove to Nina's. I needed advice, and I needed a friend.

"What's wrong baby?" She opened the door. Her eyes were soft with concern.

I sat at her counter while she made me a pan of brownies and told her what had happened.

"He must be sending a message." Nina sighed. "Sweetheart. I don't have any advice to give you. You have every right to be pissed, but you need to take this as a sign. Can you handle this life? Or do you need to walk away."

"Being kidnapped and beat to a pulp was one of the most terrifying moments of my entire life, but I would do it all again to be with Braxton. But my career. Nina. I slaved my entire life away to be where I'm at. I can't jeopardize losing that."

"Maybe you should get out of town for a weekend. Go visit your mom. Go see a friend." She paused. "Just get out of this town and see what your heart wants."

She was right. I needed some space... So the next day I left. I took Hendrix over to Nina's, sent Braxton a long message and left town. As I landed at the airport I felt refreshed.

My mom was standing in the common area waiting for me. "My baby!" She squeaked. Which caused everyone to look at us. I rolled my eyes but couldn't contain my smile and excitement. She wrapped me into a hug like she hadn't seen me two days before.

We walked out to her car and got in. I told her everything as we drove to the house. Every last detail. I even came clean about what really happened during my accident. She of course cried a blubbered a bit, but then mom mode kicked in.

"He really is dangerous." She sighed.

"He warned me, hell the entire town warned me." I shook my head.

"I don't really know what to say or what advice to give you because I honestly don't know."

"Me either."

As we pulled up to our gate my heart started racing. I hadn't seen my dad since I moved. The extravagant wrought iron gates swung open to reveal a massive colonial style mansion. My home. She pulled up the circle driveway and Jack instantly opened my door to help me out. Jack had been working for my parents since I was 5.

"Jack!!" I lunged and wrapped my arms around him. He caught me with a laugh and gave me a squeeze.

"Ainsley." He kissed my cheeks. "You look stunning as always."

"We have to catch up." I smiled and gave him one last hug before walking into the grand foyer.

"Is that my baby girl?" My dads voice boomed from his office. He walked into the foyer wearing his Ralph Lauren shorts, pullover and his glasses. Typical dad outfit.

I flung my arms around him and couldn't stop the waterworks. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too princess." He held onto me and kissed the top of my head.

"Let's try not to get too emotional." My mom appeared through the front door.

I heard the patter of paws on the hardwood floors and before I knew it Duke and Duchess were rounding the corner full speed. Shit. I laughed as the two Great Danes tackled me to the floor and started to attack me with kisses.

"My babies!" I couldn't stop laughing. "Okay you two... Sit." They stopped and sat side by side immediately. I stood up and gave them both kisses. "Good boy Duke. Good girl Duchess."

"How about I mix up some margaritas and make up some shrimp tacos." My dad took his reading glasses off of his head. I was so lucky to have parents who would put their lives on pause for me. Even when my dad had his desk piled with work he would always make sure to spend time with me.

"That sounds like a great idea." I smiled. Jack took my bags up to my room as my mom and I walked out to the cabana.

Thirty minutes later we had a pitcher of margaritas and shrimp tacos sitting in front of us. I felt like I could finally breathe. I hadn't been this relaxed in a long time, and it was the best feeling in the world.

"So how's the hospital?" My dad asked as I took a huge bite of my taco.

"It's been awesome. I fit right in. My nurse Sarah is the bomb. I don't get treated like a baby, they gave me full reign after my first week of training."

"Sounds like the perfect place to be." He looked proud and my heart swelled. That's all I ever wanted to do. I just wanted to make my parents proud.

"It feels right." I nodded my head. "Not quite like home, but definitely right."

"We do miss having you here in the heart of Texas." My dad frowned.

"I know dad. I miss being here."

We finished eating and drinking and then decided to head inside. I was either extremely exhausted or drunk, but either way it was time for bed.

I made my way upstairs to my room. When I opened my door I grinned. They left it exactly how it was. I stripped out of my clothes, took a hot shower and crawled into bed. Instinctively I reached out to the empty space beside me looking for Braxton.

I missed him already. The initial excitement of being home had wore off and now I couldn't stop thinking about him. I wondered what he was doing. Was he thinking about me? What was he wearing. Was he missing me?

I laid in the pitch black for almost an hour and finally gave in. I dialed his number and put it on speaker beside me. It only rang once before his smooth voice answered.


"Hi." My voice was quiet. I felt strangely shy.

"I'm so sorry." His voice was soft.

"I know." I sighed. "I miss you."

"I miss you too baby."

"I wish you were here..." My eyes got heavy and I drifted off.

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