Chapter Thirteen

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A/N Sorry it took so long. This chapter is different and I wanted it to be PERFECT for you!


Braxton's Point of View

I lit a cigarette as I walked out of The Clubhouse.

"So you finally made it official?" Sam was smirking at me.

"Yeah." I took a long drag and exhaled the smoke. I couldn't help but smile. She was mine. All mine. I glanced over at my best friend who smiled at me and clasped my shoulder.

"I'm happy for you man." He walked towards his bike. I finished my cigarette and flicked it to the ground. I swung my leg over my bike and sat down on my seat. I couldn't wait to see Ainsley. I would never tell anyone, but I was always excited to see her beautiful face. Her flushed cheeks, and plump lips which always looked so inviting. A tingle rolled down my spine as I thought about her. She had me feeling things I had never felt before. I started my bike and sped to her house.

I rounded the corner and smiled as I saw her car sitting in the driveway. I pulled up next to her car, and got off of my bike. I knocked. I heard Hendrix growling and whimpering on the other side. I tried the handle and my heart tightened as I realized her door was unlocked.

She never left her door unlocked.

I walked in and Hendrix almost cried. Panic set in as I saw the puddle of blood in her foyer.

"Ainsley!" I yelled and ran around the house checking every room. Her keys were on the kitchen counter, but her scrubs weren't in the laundry room where she would normally put them. I walked back to the foyer and noticed the insignia that had been drawn on the mirror with her blood.

The Chiefs.

I pulled out my phone and dialed my dad's number.

"Hey son." He answered.

"The Chiefs have Ainsley!" My voice sounded pained, and my heart ached. This was my fault. I knew I should have stayed away from her. There's no way she'd be able to last with those guys. There's no telling what her smart mouth would pop off to them.

In 30 minutes the whole club was standing in her foyer. I couldn't keep the couple of tears from rolling down my cheek.

"Brax. I know you're hurting, but son you have to pull it together. She needs us. She needs you." My dad wrapped his arms around me.

"What do we do?" I straightened up.

"We go get her." Sam had a look in his eye that I was all to familiar with. We scoured her house looking for any clues. There was nothing.

"They must have been trailing her." Dibs scratched his chin. "And then they noticed you weren't around and knocked on her door."

"Would she let them in?" My dad raised his eyebrows.

"She doesn't look before she opens her door." I pinched the bridge of my nose. The more I thought about her, the more worried I got. Damn that girl and her quirks. If she would have checked we wouldn't be in this situation, but if I would have been home with her she wouldn't have had to check the door.

"We're gonna get her back." Greg assured me.

"I'll die trying." I stood up causing my chair to scrape the floor with a screech. I lit up another cigarette and walked outside.

My mind raced. I needed her home. Why couldn't I have just stayed away from her? The more I thought about it, the more pissed I got. My head was filled with images of her. Her long blonde hair, her dimples that appeared on her cute cheeks whenever she smiled, her long tanned legs. Everything about her was absolutely perfect. Especially that smart ass mouth of hers. She always had something to say.

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