Chapter Twenty Four

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"Lance was a pure soul." His sister stood at the alter with tears streaming down her cheeks. "He just wanted to help everyone..."

I looked over at Lance's mom who was sobbing softly. Warren was standing at the back of the church with his arms crossed. Probably blaming himself. Braxton was sitting with the rest of the club. He looked over at me. I quickly turned my head to look away from him. I hadn't talked to him since that night. I had told him to leave and to leave me alone. He tried everyday to come see me, but I wouldn't let him in. I couldn't let him in. I needed time to decide. Decide if I could stay with him. My heart ached for me to talk to him.

As soon as the ceremony was over I went home. I stood in the foyer staring at the tile. This is where he had his last heartbeat. Hendricks appeared and licked my hand. He sat down and looked up at me. His eyes sad. I dropped down to my knees and wrapped my arms around his furry neck. He licked the tears off of my face and let me hold him.

I changed into my running clothes, put his harness on him, and ran. I didn't know where I was running to but I just ran. Hendricks stopped mid run and barked. I had run to The Clubhouse. I took a deep breath. I noticed Natalie's car sitting next to Braxton's bike. My heart started pounding.

I walked through the door. I unhooked Hendricks' leash and walked over to the group. Natalie was sitting on the arm of Braxton's chair. My blood started boiling.

"Braxton. You're ridiculous." She touched his arm and laughed. Sam looked up to see me and smirked. I maneuvered my way through all of the chairs. When I finally got to them Natalie smiled at me. "Oh hi Ainsley."

"Up. Now." She jumped up off the arm. I reared my arm back and swung hitting her square in the nose. She squealed. I grabbed the back of her head and slammed it down as I brought my knee up causing her to fly backwards. She was sprawled out on the floor with blood trickling from her nose. I moved so I was standing over her. "If you even look in his direction ever again I will do much worse. He's mine. Now leave." She scrambled to her feet and walked out of The Clubhouse.

"And you!" I spun around and punched Braxton in the eye. "If you ever let her within arms length of you again. We will be done. If you want to fuck around and be an asshole then let me know now because I'm not going to put up with this shit."

I looked at everyone who was watching with shocked eyes.

"I am apart of this family, but I am DONE being your personal doctor. If you need more than stitches or a bullet pulled out of your leg then go the fucking hospital because I'm not going to have the guilt of not being able to save all of your dumbasses be on my conscious. If you would have gotten him to hospital he could have had at least some kind of shot to live." I turned and hooked Hendricks to his leash and left.

"Hey Rocky, why don't you hop in." Nina pulled up beside me. I sighed and climbed into the passenger seat. "You remind me of my younger self." She looked proud.

"I definitely take that has a compliment." I smiled and leaned my head against the window.

"When was your last period?" She looked over at me. When was my last period? I had been so stressed out about everything happening that I hadn't even been keeping track.

"I don't know. Why?" I looked over at her.

"I think we need to stop by Walgreens and get a HCG." I felt the blood drain out of my face. No.

"Why?" I blinked.

"Call it mother's intuition." She shrugged.

I couldn't be pregnant. I was on birth control. But there was only 99% protection, and we hadn't been using any other kind of protection. A baby? I had just gotten a job, I had just started a career. I couldn't be pregnant. I didn't even know what my relationship status was. I couldn't be.

I looked down at my belly, but what if I was. I put my hand on my stomach and smiled. What if I was going to be a mom? My heart fluttered. Regardless of anything I had a good stable career and even if I had to do it alone we would be fine. We would be just fine.

But there was no way I was pregnant.

"I can see the confusion and the back and forth all over your face." Nina smiled. "Even if you and Braxton don't stay together, you will always have mine and Vince's support."

"We don't even know if I am." I crossed my arms.

"I'm just letting you know." She was grinning.

If I was what would happen to Braxton and I? Would we stay together, or would we split up? I always dreamed of raising my children with their father. Having a split household was not something that I wanted to do.

Why was I even thinking of this. I didn't even know if I was.

I sat in the car and stared at the dashboard as Nina went inside. I kept going back and forth in my head. My heart was pounding and my stomach turned as we drove to my house. This was a big deal. A really big deal.

"Here." She handed me the bag. "I'll be at home if you need anything."

"Okay." I took the bag from her and let Hendricks out. We walked inside. I went to the bathroom and sat the box on the counter. I stared at my reflection. I needed to know, but I also knew that once I did this and saw the result it would be real, and permanent.

I opened the box and stared at the plastic device that could change my life forever.

I put the cap back on and sat it on the counter. I set the timer on my phone for ten minutes and stared at the small screen.

My timer went off and I gulped. Within seconds the words popped up...

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