Chapter Twenty

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Beep beep beep beep beep beep.

"Ughrrhgh." I groaned into my pillow.

"Rise and shine." Braxton's voice sounded in my ear.

"No." I grunted.

"You are so grumpy in the morning." He sounded amused.

Beep beep beep beep.

"For the love of God. Turn it off." I scowled.

"Not until that cute little butt of yours is out of bed." He smirked that stupid smirk.

"Fine." I whined and rolled out of bed.

I stumbled into the bathroom still half asleep. I turned on the shower and stepped in. The steam surrounded me and I felt relaxed almost instantly. After the long hot shower I pulled on my scrubs and blow dried my long hair. When I walked into the kitchen my mom was downing coffee and looking pretty rough.

"Sangria was a bad idea." My mom took another long drink.

"At least you can nap on the plane. I have patients to deal with and people to save." I opted for a large cup of coffee and a banana for breakfast.

"You chose this career." My mom shook her head at me.

"Hush it and go get in the car." I kissed Braxton and gave Hendrix a treat before heading to the garage. Braxton had already loaded her bags. I loved that man.

As I pulled up to the airport I could sense my mom getting emotional next to me.

"Mom." I whined. I was not in the mood for crying.

"I'm sorry." She sniffled and wiped her eyes. "I just miss you."

"I miss you too." I leaned over the center console and wrapped an arm around her. The bag boys had already loaded her things into a cart. Oh the perks of flying First Class.

"Be good." She kissed my cheek.

"You too mom." I smiled. She giggled and wiped the tears off of her eyes.

"You know better than that." She put her sunglasses on and shut the door. I drove off feeling sad, but thankful to have parents that loved me as much as mine did.

When I got to the hospital Sarah was scowling at me.

"What did I do now?" I cocked an eyebrow up and logged into my computer.

"You left me for four days, I had to work with Gary." Her tone was bitter. I snickered. "Did you hear me Ainsley. I had to work with Gary! Doctor Snail. The one who takes forever to do anything."

That man really did need to retire. He even walked slowly.

"I'm sorry, but it's hospital policy if I work so many days in a row I have to take off a certain number." I smiled at her.

"Yeah. Mmmmhmmmm." She crossed her arms but couldn't contain her smile. My phone started buzzing.

"Looks like we're up." I stood up and pulled on my white coat as we jogged down the hallway to the ER entrance.

"Car crash victim. Had him stabled on the way here and then he went into cardiac arrest. His breathing is shallow and blood pressure is falling." The EMT shouted while pumping oxygen into his mask.

"Sarah take the pump! We need to get him straight to the operating room, he has an internal bleed. Cassie page Dr. Rodriguez. And get me a team to OR four now!" I ran to the scrub station and prepped myself for surgery while they pushed him into the room and starting cutting his clothing off.

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