Chapter Sixteen

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I stood in the parking garage and stared at the entrance to the hospital. I was nervous. How would everyone treat me after being off of work for two weeks? What if Sarah wasn't my lead nurse anymore? I took a long swig of my coffee and finally worked my legs into moving. I walked down the hall and noticed my office door was open and the lights were on. I rounded the corner and teared up when I saw everyone huddled around waiting on me. There were bouquets of fresh flowers everywhere and I was instantly bombarded with hugs and cards.

"Boy am I glad to see you!" Sarah was the first to wrap me into a hug. I squeezed her and then was passed to my boss.

"You look good for someone who got hit by a car." She laughed and passed me to the next person. After I was hugged by everyone they cleared out to let me get settled. I was so overwhelmed with all of the love I had been shown. I couldn't believe how loved I felt, not only by the club, but by my coworkers as well. My mom would be so happy.


"I forgot something in my car. I'll be right back." I smiled at Sarah and grabbed my phone. Shit shit shit.

She answered first ring "Hello love." I could hear the wind and the waves in the background. They must be in Cote D'Azur.

"Mom. I've been trying to reach you for two weeks." I was getting too good at faking it.

"We've been on the boat. What's wrong dear?" Her panic mode set it.

"I can't talk for too long because I'm at work but..." I dove into my fake story and told her about the accident. She gasped and cried the entire time. If she only knew the truth.

I felt slightly guilty for lying to my mom, but she could never know the truth. It would break her heart.

"We are flying in tomorrow." Her voice was shaky and she sounded like she was in pain.

"Mom. I'm fine." I sighed.

"I don't care. I can't believe I wasn't there for you."

"Braxton and his family took really good care of me. I'm fine. Finish out your trip and then come and stay with me for awhile. I want you to come so we can enjoy our time together, not so you can fuss over me." I walked back towards my hall.

"Okay sweetheart. I will keep my phone on me. You call me immediately if something changes." She was so dramatic. Typical mom.

"Okay mom. I love you. Tell dad I love him too. Have fun."

"Bye baby."

I returned to my office and sunk down in my chair. That woman was so damn difficult. I snickered and then got to work.

Throughout my entire shift the other doctors took turns making sure I was feeling okay. Each time I told them I was fine, but by the end of the day. I was exhausted. As I was heading home I called Braxton who answered first ring.

"Ainsley?!" His voice was panicked.

"Chill out, I'm fine." I laughed. "I was just letting you know I'll be home in fifteen minutes."

"Okay baby. I'll start dinner." His voice softened. I hung up and noticed I was almost out of gas.

I pulled into the Corner Mart in town and started pumping.

"Well well well." Her voice made me tense.

"Oh hi Natalie." I turned around and smiled.

"MD." She read my badge and then cocked an eyebrow up and walked around my car giving me and my baby a once over. "G Wagon? Nice." She appeared next to me.

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