Chapter Seven

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"No riding the bike for awhile." He paused and motioned towards me. "Doc's orders."

Oh, Lydia was his bike. I had never really considered myself the jealous type, but Braxton really brought out a different side of me. A side I had never even seen before.

"There's the star of the show." Sam gave me a hug and lifted me up off the ground.

"Oh stop." I rolled my eyes and flashed him a smile.

"I need a drink." Braxton pulled me inside where the party was in full swing. As soon as we walked inside Braxton pulled me close and maneuvered us up to the bar. Everything felt so surreal. This gorgeous man had his arm wrapped around me, and he was mine. All mine.

I watched as the estrogen in the bar shot glares my way. I stuck my hand in his back pocket and smiled. Might as well give them a show.

"Whatcha drinking Hun?" Cassie smiled at me.

"I'll stick with beer. How about a Tank 7."

"You got it sweets." She looked over at Braxton, "And for you?"

"Guinness." He nodded and looked down at me. "Tank 7?" He looked impressed.

"One of my favorites." I shrugged.

We moved over to the area where the rest of the club was sitting. Including Nina, and Vince. Seeing the two of them made me think about that night, and I suddenly realized I didn't even know how or why he had been shot. I had been so wrapped up in taking care of him, and wanting to be with him that I hadn't even considered that. My stomach knotted up and I suddenly felt nauseous. I watched as Nina and Vince held hands and I wondered how they did it. How did she deal with all the questions and the worry?

"Are you okay?" Braxton's eyebrows were furrowed with concern. 

I gulped and nodded. "I just need to use the restroom, but I don't know where it is." 

"Oh." His face softened with relief, and I suddenly felt guilty for fibbing.

"I'll see if your mom will show me." I smiled, and he released his hold on me. "Nina, will you show me the bathroom?"

"Absolutely baby." She nodded and downed the rest of her beer. "I'll be right back." She smiled and gave Vince a kiss. I followed her into a room that definitely wasn't the bathroom, we walked in, and she closed the door behind her. "I can see it all over your face." She explained and leaned up against the desk that was in the middle of the room. "What's eating you?"

"Braxton and I decided to give this a shot." I sighed and ran my hands through my long blonde hair, "And I had been so caught up in all this that I didn't even realize that I have no idea what happened to him last night. I don't know why he was shot, or how. I'm assuming it has something to do with him going to jail, but I just don't know what to do." My shoulders sagged.

"Honey, you have a long road ahead of you." She smiled sympathetically. "There are two types of old ladies in this club. The ones who know everything and the ones who don't know anything. You have to decide if you need to know what he's doing; or if you'd rather be left in the dark. If you do choose to be in the know, you have to know everything; not just parts. Sometimes it's hard to swallow, but everything they do is to protect us and this town. They don't go causing trouble unless there's a reason."

"Okay." I nodded feeling relieved, but still had my reservations. 

"If you ever have any doubts or ever need anyone to sort through this with you; I'm always a phone call away. I know what it's like to be young and not understand this life."

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