Chapter Nineteen

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I sat back down in my seat. Mortified that my mom had just witnessed that. I glanced over at her, she looked impressed almost.

"Well that's new." My mom downed her drink.

"She's become quite feisty here lately." Nina smirked over at me.

"If feisty means almost breaking Blaire's face... Then yeah, she's been real feisty." Sam snickered.

"Oh really?" My mom's eyebrows shot up with an amused look.

"It was one time." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

We sat at the clubhouse for another hour before heading back home. When we got back to my place I mixed up a pitcher of sangria, ordered a pizza, and sat on the front porch with Hendrix and my mom.

"I miss you." My mom admitted as we sat and watched the sunset.

"I miss you too mom." My voice was soft with sadness. My mom had always been my best friend.

"Your dad and I are so proud of you, and the woman you've grown into." She paused. "You're different Ainsley. You have a fire in your eyes. You have this glow. I'm not stupid. I know that Braxton is dangerous, but I also know that he is madly in love with you. I watched him while you talked. He looked enchanted by you, proud of you, and when you would smile he would smile with you." My mom grinned, "And then I watched you. Every time he took a drink of his beer and his Adam's apple dipped your eyes dilated. Every time he laughed your cheeks blushed ever so slightly, and when he talked you looked at him like you couldn't live without him." She took a long swig of her sangria and turned to face me.

"As dangerous as that club is, your love for each other is even more dangerous."

"He's involved in a lot of illegal stuff." I looked down at my lap. "But that's not what scares me mom. What scares me is that I'm okay with it."

"Love makes you do crazy things. You just have to decide if this is the life you want." She smiled. "Don't worry about what anyone else wants, not me, not your dad, not his parents. Whatever makes the both of you happy. That's what you should do."

The pizza guy walked up to the porch and ended our conversation. "You're Braxton's girl." The guy sat my pizza on the table beside me. "I've heard a lot about you." I handed him a twenty. "You're a lot prettier than I imagined." He smiled.

"Thanks. I guess." I raised an eyebrow. "Keep the change."

"Thanks." He smiled and walked down to his car. Well that was weird.

"I didn't know I was eating dinner with a celebrity."

"Oh shut it." I grabbed a piece of pizza and tossed the box over to her. She laughed and grabbed a piece for herself.

"You look happy baby." My mom smiled over at me. "Really happy, and so carefree. I haven't seen you like this since you were in junior high." She took a drink and then put he glass down. "Do you know how many of your teachers called us in for one on one meetings. Worried that your father and I were putting too much pressure on you." She laughed. "At first we were mortified, embarrassed even, but then we became amused. By the time you were a sophomore in high school we started emailing your teachers before the school year even started." She looked over at me, "Your dad was so confused. He waited and waited for you to flip and start sneaking out, getting into trouble, making b's anything at all. But you never did."

"When your stubborn and determined you do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. At first people laughed at me, and then they started believing. My sorority sisters hated that I wouldn't go out, but I had studying to do." I shrugged.

"I always loved your passion." My mom looked proud.

"Most people thought it was annoying." I laughed.

After two pitchers of my homemade sangria my mom and I were pretty toasted.

"Do you remember when we went to Aruba, got hammered, and sang karaoke at that bar?" We were both cracking up.

"Yes. Yes." My mom snorted. "We sang Bennie and the Jets."

"The whole bar sang with us." I stood up and walked over to sit in her chair with her.

"Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet?" My mom started singing.

"Uh but they're so spaced out..." I continued.

"B-B-B-Bennie and the Jets. Oh but they're weird and they're wonderful, oh Bennie she's really keen. She's got electric boots a mohair suit; you know I read it in a magaziiiiiiiine. Oooaahh." We sang together. Well if singing is what you want to call that broken record.

"Now that is cheep entertainment." Braxton's voice sounded from the other side of the porch. My mom and I leaned back and howled with laughter. He walked up and sat in the chair where I was sitting.

"Do you know that my daughter is the funniest drunk?" My mom giggled hysterically. "You get a half a bottle of tequila into this girl and she turns into a comedian. A feisty comedian." 

"Mom." I laughed. "I'm funny all the time."

"Yeah right." She laughed even harder. "I miss you Ainsley."

"I miss you too mom. Come visit me more."

"Ditto kiddo." She stood up and wobbled. "I need to go to bed; I have an early flight." She wrapped me up into a hug. "I love you sweetheart; more than anything in the world."

"I love you too momma." I squeezed her. We released each other and then she walked towards Braxton who stood up.

"Keep my baby safe Braxton." She wrapped him into a hug. I watched as he tensed and then relaxed and wrapped his arms around her.

"I'll do whatever it takes." He smiled.

"I believe you." She stepped back. "And I would really like if the two of you would come visit us." She paused. "Soon."

"We will." He promised.

"Okay then. Off to bed." She hugged me again, and then walked to her room.

"She's a fireball." Braxton wrapped his arms around me. "Now I know where you get it from." He kissed my temple.

His hold tightened around me and I laid my head on his chest. My love for him radiated through me and I felt his heart beat quicken.

"I love you." I smiled.

"I love you more." He pressed a kiss to my lips.

My eyelids got heavy, and I settled further into his arms.

"Let's get to bed. You have work tomorrow." He sighed and scooped me up into his arms. He carried me to my room and got me ready for bed. Four days off of work was a bad idea, the next morning was going to be brutal.


So sorry it has taken so long. This chapter is not the best, but I've had serious writers block. Plus I've moved, gotten a puppy, and started a new position at work. Can you say busy busy busy? The next chapter will make up for this one. Pinky promise :)

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