Chapter One

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I stood in my driveway and stared at my new house. It was mine. All mine. Okay so maybe my parents bought it for me as a graduation present, but either way... It was mine. My mouth curved up into a smile.

The house had just been finished being built and it was perfect. The grey stones that were jagged and shaped into rectangles wrapped around the house leaving only a few section of darker grey siding with white trim, and square columns that edged the porch that was on the right side. A concrete pathway led up to the front door that was custom turquoise. My mom had frowned when I picked that out but after seeing it on the house she fell in love with it as well.

The front of the house was covered in windows. I closed my eyes and imagined sitting in the living room with all the windows open breathing in the fresh spring air.

I twisted the key and opened the front door. A beep sounded from the alarm system that hadn't been set. The dark hardwood floors stretched through the whole house and made it feel homey. This was home. MY home.

I walked around and then made my way back to my driveway where my black Mercedes G Class sat waiting for me. This car really was mine. Despite my parents insistence, I paid for it myself. I opened the passenger side door and grabbed my last box of things. I heard a rumble that was almost deafening, and I turned around to watch a blacked out Harley Davidson roll up the driveway next to mine. I walked to the front of my car and watched as a tall figure kicked the kick stand out and rose up off of the bike. My mouth went dry. He took his Ray Bans off and looked right through my effing soul. He smirked and ran a hand through his thick messy brown hair. My eyes traveled down his body and I couldn't help but admire his bad boy get up. His dark , slim jeans were tucked into a pair of lace up boots and his white t shirt hugged all the right areas.

He turned and walked towards his front door giving me a clear view of the words written across the back of his leather jacket. Outlaws across the top, and Nevada across the bottom.

Biker gang? I shrugged and walked into my house.

I made my way back to the master bedroom that I had completely designed on my own. My massive king sized bed sat against the wall positioned between two windows. The frame of my bed was white, but the headboard was light grey. My all white duvet looked like a cloud with my strew of pillows. I sat my box on the cushioned bench that was at the foot of my bed, and made my way to the kitchen.

I meal prepped for the week. I would be busy at my new job and I wouldn't have any time to stop and cook. I couldn't believe that I finally did it. I finally had my MD license and I was going to be working my dream job in the trauma unit at Desert Springs Hospital in Las Vegas. For most 24 year olds that would be terrifying, but I was ready. I had worked my ass off in college. I had gotten all of my prerequisites done in three years one of which was my senior year of high school, and started graduate school when I was 20. At the tail end of my program I was able to start my one year residency while finishing up school. For the past six years I didn't have a life. I slept, I went to school, and I did residency. Thank God for parents who were well off and paid for all of my schooling, bills, and kept my bank account full at all times.

After all of my meals were prepped and in the fridge I decided to go on a run. Running had always been my escape. It was the only time I didn't have to think. It was just me, the pavement, and a kick ass playlist.

I pulled on one of my many Lulu Lemon get ups and put my headphones into my ears.

As soon as I was out my door I was gone. With each footstep I felt all of my stress leave my body. When the sun finally started sinking I decided to call it quits. I looked at my tracker. 8.4 miles. Not bad. I stretched out my muscles and then took a cool shower.

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