Chapter Twenty Two

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Bright. So effing bright. I buried my head under my pillow. I had forgotten how many windows I had in my room. Lord Jesus. Too many. I peaked out from under the pillow. All of my curtains where wide open.

"Ughhhh." I groaned.  I picked my phone up off the pillow beside me and unlocked it. 11:47 am. I had slept for over twelve hours straight. I probably would have slept a couple more had my room not been lit up like the Fourth of July. I rolled over to my back and let my eyes get adjusted before rolling out of bed.

I made my way downstairs where my mom was making breakfast. I inhaled the smell of chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. Oh sweet heaven. I pulled myself up onto the counter top.

"Well good morning sunshine." She grinned. "I haven't seen you sit in that spot in a long time." Her tone was bittersweet.

"Do you know what would even make it better?" I raised my eyebrows and smiled.

"Chocolate milk." We said in unison.

She poured me a huge glass and then went back to flipping bacon.

"I called Braxton last night." I admitted.

"I figured you wouldn't last very long." She shrugged.

"Why do you say that?" I took a huge drink and closed my eyes as I relished the amazing taste that I had been missing out on.

"Because you're madly in love with him." She chuckled.

"Well..." I trailed. Feeling guilty.

"I stand by what I told you. If you love him and you're meant to be together. Then I support you. He's a nice guy, he just has a dangerous and very illegal profession."

"You make it sound so simple." I crossed my arms and looked over at my mom who was radiating happiness. She was always so happy.

"Why don't you go fetch your dad from the backyard. Breakfast is ready."

I walked through the house and out to the back patio. I looked over by the outdoor living area to see my dad and someone else watching a football game. Who the hell was at our house? I approached the two men who were yelling at the ref, and then my heart leaped. Braxton?

"Braxton?" My voice was soft.

"It's about damn time your lazy ass got out of bed." My dad chuckled and downed the rest of his Corona. Jesus. It was only noon. My dad kissed my temple and walked towards the house leaving me alone with my emotions and my boyfriend who looked so sexy.

My eyes trailed up and down his body, his dark washed jeans and snug but not too snug white long sleeved shirt that had three buttons at the top. His hair was freshly cut and styled into his "I just had sex" look. My tongue darted out to wet my bottom lip and my breathing got shallow.

"Hey baby." He stepped closer to me and wrapped me into a hug. I melted into his firm body and flung my arms around his waist.

"What are you doing here?!"

"You said you wished I were here." He smirked my favorite smirk and bent down to kiss me. "I needed to see you." He eyebrows furrowed with concern and sadness. "The last time I saw you wasn't the happiest of times."

"I can't have that man showing up to the hospital." I buried my face in his neck and inhaled.

"He won't be doing that anymore. Pops, Sam and I took care of him." He tangled his fingers in my hair and kissed the top of my head.

"I don't want to know the details." I gulped. I knew exactly what that meant, but I didn't want to hear it. If I didn't hear it I would never know the whole truth.

"I know." He tugged so my face was angled up towards his. "I would do anything to keep you safe. I love you more than anything in the world." He kissed me gently and then wrapped his arms back around me.

"I love you too Braxton." I sighed. My love for this man couldn't get any stronger or deeper.

We made our way to the breakfast nook where my mom and dad were sitting with a splay of food. My stomach growled.

"This isn't exactly organic, but I've missed your cooking." I licked my lips and started stacking my plate with food.

"You and your organic food." My mom shook her head.

"Don't act like you don't drink spinach for breakfast." My dad pointed his fork at her.

"In a tasteful smoothie." She rolled her eyes at him.

After breakfast we all went to the TV room and snuggled up so the boys could watch football. That moment felt perfect. We were far from anything dangerous, and we were sitting in my parents house on a Saturday watching football. This was so normal. But it didn't feel like our normal.

My new normal was hanging at the clubhouse, and threatening skanks who lingered around my man. And even though this didn't feel like our normal. It felt nice. It was nice to not worry about his phone pulling him away, and nice not worrying about one of the guys barging in with guns ready to go. It was just nice.

"I'm thinking we order a couple of pizzas, crank open a 30 pack and play some Pictionary." My mom stretched as my dad turned off the TV.

"I think that sounds like a great idea." My dad nodded. "You know how much I love beating Ms. Smarty Pants."

"In your dreams." I scoffed.

Two hours later and the four of us were drunk, full of pizza and laughing at my dads terrible picture.

"It's clearly a deer." He pointed at the stick figure that looked like a mess of lines.

"That looks like shit." I held my stomach, unable to stop laughing.

"You look like shit." He threw the marker at me which only made me laugh harder.

"I haven't laughed this hard in forever." Braxton was almost in tears he was laughing so hard.

"I'm done, and I'm going to bed." He flipped the two of us off and then held his hand out to my mom. She took his hand and kissed my cheek.

"Sleep tight guys." She followed my dad out of the room leaving Braxton and I alone for the first time in five days. The sexual tension between us was palpable. I gulped and looked over at him. His eyes were heavy and his jaw was tense.

"Ainsley." His voice was thick with lust. A shiver rolled down my spine.


"I want you, and I want you now."

In seconds I was in his lap with my hands in his hair. I loved this man. This sexy and funny man. I stood up and grabbed his hand. I pulled him upstairs thankful that my room wasn't even on the same floor as my parents. We bumped into walls trying to make our way down the hallway while also trying to get as close as we could. Once we were in my room I locked the handle and started pulling his clothes off. He lifted me up by my butt and carried me to the bed where he laid me down. He kissed down my neck and my body exploded with a sensation I had never felt before.

We went round for round. One time it would be animalistic the next we would be pouring our love into each other.

I loved him so much it felt like it was killing me.

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