Chapter 12 (edited)

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A tan hand waved in front of me, a concerned-looking Zoro. "Oi, you okay? Should I get chopper?" he asked in a whisper, giving him a small smile I then shook my head. "I'm ok" "LUFFY!! Come here." Spoke Nami... Luffy scratched his head. "Huh?" "It's Sanji-Kun!!" She spoke quickly..."Oi, Luffy!?" Sanji spoke sounding a little bit out of breath"Sanji!!! How is it over there!? How's robin!?" Spoke Luffy as we all sat near the den den." Robin is...Still in their hands. Nami told me everything just now. Every single thing..." Spoke Sanji, he sounded rather pissed. "Oh yeah?..." Luffy said into the snail. "Ok, go kick their asses!!" Luffy ordered. "LUFFY!!! Don't mess around!! Tell him to wait for us..." I put a hand on Zoro's shoulder as he yelled into the snail. "HEY, COOK !! Do you hear me? Those guys are dangerous!!" Having my eyes narrowed. "Zoro, if it was you there, would you just wait? Sanji doesn't listen to that moss head" I spoke and the last part was spoken towards the snail. "Understood Cole-san!!, Oh and is marimo-Kun actually worried about me?" I giggled as Sanji mocked him. Zoro got all defensive. "LIKE HELL I AM!" Then the den den stopped working... I sighed as I tried to move around. But the result was me feeling pain. "God damn it..." Closing my eyes as I scooted to a nearby wall and rested my head to it. Then I was startled when I felt someone touch my wounds. Opening my eyes to see chopper. He gave a serious look. "Why didn't you tell me you're still hurt!?" He yelled at me. "I don't need any help. I can take care of myself" Speaking as I crossed my arms and turned my head so I don't face him. "Cole, it's ok to get help. You don't always have to be the one who helps all the time." I heard him whisper to me. Sighing as I gave up and let him treat me. "Now you can't do anything involving movement until we get to Enies Lobby. And when we get there you'll have to be with someone no matter what." with that I banged my head on the wall. Then I paused. My eyes widen, Ice-san. "HEY! Is my dad still oK!? He's not dead right!!" I yelled outstanding up ignoring my enormous amount of pain. This silenced the entire room. The straw hats already knew, but some others didn't. "Ice-pops is fine, I mean if he wasn't then he wouldn't have been able to fix this sea train. NOw, Granny, Make this Train go faster!!" Luffy demanded. The Franky family shouted. "Wait...Iceberg has a DAUGHTER!!" I sighed as I stumbled to sit down. "Cole! I still need to treat your wounds!" chopper shouted at me. I grumbled. "Oi, Stop being stubborn" The moss head spoke as he hit me lightly on my head with one of his scabbards. Rubbing my head I glared at Zoro. "Ok...OK, now hurry up chopper" speaking as looked at Chopper. He smiled and began treating me again.Then..............NAMI STARTED STRIPPING!!!! "WHAT THE HELL!?" She ignored me as I tried to stand up but Zoro held me down as chopper still treated me, I glared at Zoro. But he stared at me...I looked away blushing. "Okay! Ready for battle!!" Nami announced placing a hand on her hip. "What's wrong?" She asked a flustered Paulie, and nose bleeds shipwrights and Franky family members. "YOU CHANGED IN HERE WITHOUT A MOMENT'S THOUGHT!!! YOU SCANDALOUS WOMAN!!! AND COLE DON'T YOU DARE DO THAT!!!" He pointed his finger towards me as the nosebleed people spoke..."Nice sandal" Perverts, that includes Paulie. "It couldn't be helped, you know since we only have one car." spoke nami as she defended herself standing near the two twins. Paulie just started lecturing them. "COVER UP YOUR STOMACH!!! YOUR STOMACH AND YOU LEGS!!! YOU TOO, SQUARES!!!! YOU'RE WHAT'S WRONG WITH SOCIETY!!!" He shouted at them. They just simply replied back. "Shut up, shy boy." I gave out a small laugh as he got more flustered. Chopper finished my bandages, and Zoro finally let go of me... Standing up I look to see nami lecturing Luffy. "DOn't Stuff meat in your pockets!!" Man, I've never heard that before...Stuffing meat in your pockets. Then nami started explaining her new weapon. "The perfect 'clima tact'" she held three parts in her hand. "I see, Usopp..." Instantly at what Zoro said the two (Luffy and Nami) sulked. "It's his posthumous work" Zoro shouted at them. "Don't act so solemn!!" I decided to sit away from them as I looked out the window, which only lasted a few seconds. "Cole, listen. I'm sorry about what I did to you, accusing you and hitting you" Spoke Paulie, his voice held so much guilt. "It's alright if you don't forgive me." I raised my hand to silence him. "I forgive you. But-" My eyes shadowed under my hair. "If you ever- Ever do that again, you be burned" speaking as I finished I gave him a closed eye smile. "ARE WE THERE YET!? BASHING TOM!!!" Luffy screamed out... Looking out the window I see Luffy lying at the front of the sea train. Sweat dropping as Nami started lecturing him. "Its Puffing tom!!" "Get back Inside Luffy!!!" "The new suit you changed into will get soaked!!!" The last part was nami...I laughed a little as I sat back down on the seat I was on. "THAT"S OK!! I LIKE BEING HERE!!!" And that was the response of the Strawhat captain. Crossing my arms, being careful of my bandages I look around the room... I saw that lulu and other people were reenacting what I, Zoro, and Luffy did with aqua laguna. "CAn't YOU GUYS BE SERIOUS FOR ONE MINUTE!!" Laughing at Zoro, he turned to me and sighed. Shaking my head as I pat the empty seat next to me. "You know once we save Robin and Franky. I'll buy you a drink of your choice." Speaking to him, turning my head to see him smirking. "I'm looking forward to that" we both smiled, then Luffy scared us."GUYS!! There's a train in front of US!!!" He shouted all excited. "PUFFIN TOM!!?" But that's impossible, the train isn't that fast to catch up in such a short time... "It's too soon..." Kokoro spoke as she drank. ....Damn it, crossing my arms. Chopper said I wasn't allowed to go up top, with the others. "This is bad, We're going to crash!!! Baa-san hit the brakes!" I swear Paulie is stupid sometimes... "It's impossible. I told you that already. NGAGAGAG!!" Chimney and gumbe started panicking. Nami...well she was just watching. Just as I quickly stuck my head out, I saw the coolest thing ever. "The self in a forsaken world...Rend...Nitou-Ryuu 'Iai'... RASHOMON!!" Yelled Zoro as he sliced the two sea train cars. My eyes held stars in amazement. "ZORO THAT WAS AWESOME!" I yelled out over the surprised shipwrights and Franky family. But it wasn't over, I decided to climb over to watch what happened next. Chopper noticed me and panicked. "Cole you're not supposed to be up here!" I couldn't help but laugh like a maniac.

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