Chapter 31

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'Take big bro out to sea with you' My eyes glanced at the bounty in my hands. It was Franky's, I knew that one of his parents was a pirate. I also knew about his dream many years ago.

Squinting my eyes and concentrate on gently connecting some wires. I was under an old sea train. Dad had asked me if I wanted to help Frank and so I agreed.
"Hey Robot Idiot" I look up with grease on my forehead, Franky grunted at me and didn't look over at me. I huff and throw a wrench at him, hitting him directly. He's startled by the wrench and falls off his chair. "What the hell!?" He shouts and rubs his head where the wrench hit him. I grin at him and stand up stretching my legs. "What's your dream?" I asked tilting my head, Franky looks up at the ceiling with a smile. "Well Kid, I wanted to build a ship. And be able to circumnavigate the world with it." I stared at him with stars. "Wow!" Franky grins proudly and walks over to me. "I know that you're trying to figure things out for yourself. But I'll be there every step of the way!" His smile was so bright that I leaped forward and hugged him.

I have no doubts that he'll try to tell Luffy no. Stuffing the bounty in my pocket and stand next to dad. I grab the blanket covering the ship, a hand reached and smacked the back of my head. "For the last time, you need to wait for your captain" Dad scolds me and I pout rubbing the back of my head. Sticking my tongue at him, and turn to the direction of the footsteps. I smile brightly and run over to see Luffy, Chopper and Sanji. The rest stood a little bit behind. "Cole-swaaannnn!" Sanji twirled around with hearts. Chopper jumps at Sanji and bickers at him. I look over at luffy who smiles at me. I couldn't help but smile back at him too. Someone nudges me and I almost fall forward. The same person grabs my left arm and steady me. "Are you always this clumsy?" Zoro teased while holding my left arm. I roll my eyes and then stumble forward due to chopper jumping on my shoulder. "For a doctor, you manhandle the injured a lot" Zoro points at him with an accusing tone. Laughing at their antics, we turn our attention to my Dad. "Finally you guys are all here. Unfortunately Frank isn't here right now. But the ship is complete" I lean forward excitedly seeing Dad turn and grab the blanket. "I was astonished by the layout, too bad I banned from finishing it" I felt chopper grip my hair gentle, I leaned to the left causing my arm to brush against Zoro. He grunted and glanced at me. "There is something Franky told me to tell you" Dad started and turned his body with the blanket in his grip.
"If you're gonna be the king of pirates" The blanket covering the ship slowly fell down. "Then your ship should be king of beasts!" Dad shouted out as the blanket pooled to the ground around him.
I stared in absolute awe at the sight. "ITS HUGE AND IT LOOKS COOL!" Luffy shouted out in glee, chopper jumped up and down on my shoulders excitedly. I giggle at him and grab his bag. Lifting him off my shoulders, he was so antsy that he starts running to the ship with luffy as soon as I set him down. I stood from a distance watching my crew mates walk over to the ship in excitement. Luffy uses his rubber ability and launches him up to the deck. "The deck has a lawn!" I could hear him shout, Dad walks over and stands next to me. The silence between us was sad. "If I don't get a letter from you, then I'll sail after you." He threatened and then pushes me forward. "And don't forget to take your motionsickness pills too! I told your crew mates about that" he points his finger at me. I nod and smile, an arm stretched and wrap around my waist.

My eyes widen in panic and see my dad just laughing. I'm launched backwards and crash into the deck. "LUFFY!" Sanji and Chopper's voice mesh together as I look up with a dazed look. "That's one hell of a way to get on a ship" Luffy's laughter filled the deck as I laugh with him. "Oi! Ice Guy! Where's Franky! I want to Thank him!" Luffy shouts to him. I stand up and look around the deck. I walk to the quarterdeck, up the stairs I began to admire the woodwork. Each step filled my soul with happiness, I lift my head up and I stopped at the stop of the stairs.

My eyes were astonished to see this flag stand boldly before me. It was similar to the flag I had gotten from the shop owners. Except this one had the colors of our pirate flag. It was an all black flag, the border of the flag with while. And the insignia in the middle was red with a yellow border. The insignia was the Fairy Tail Guild mark. I walk closer and saw a note attached to the pole. I grab the note and read it.

Hey kid,
Hope you don't mind, Ice for brains didn't know how to ask you for the flag you got. He's gonna miss you and doesn't know how to tell you. So I had this flag made for you, the colors match the pirate flag. So your original with your permission, will get to fly above Galley-la. He wants something so he can remember you by, he's gonna miss you a hella lot kid.

I stare at the letter and hold it close. I fold the letter and place it on my pocket. Turning around and see my captain. He looked at my flag and smile. "When did you change the colors?" I walked over to him and looked at the flag. "I didnt, Franky made me this one. So I can leave the original with Dad." He nods and walks forward. He bends his head and places his strawhat on his chest. I was dumbfounded as I watched him. He lifts his head up and places his hat on his head. "Alrighty! Let's go get our shipwright!" Luffy shouts out and jumps over the ledge of the ship. I cheer loudly and follow after him. "Oi! You're still injured!" Chopper shouts out from above while we both laugh, landing gracefully. I turn and look up. "I'm all good Doc!" Turning around and follow Luffy.

This is turning out to be a bad idea. First I ended up losing Luffy for a little bit, by the time I found him. We weren't even close to the Franky Family House. There was something happened though near the southeast part of town, multiple people were shouting and police rushing after the disturbance. Luffy stretched out his arms, grabbing me in the process and launched into the air onto the roofs. Once I stood up and the dust cleared around us, I looked over the ledge and regretted it.

I'm gonna need to bleach my eyes, I wasn't expecting to see Franky's balls today. Rubbing my eyes to make sure I didn't see correctly but I didn't imagine seeing the Franky Family tossing around his trunks. Luffy with a smile reached out infront of the running family members. "Over Here!" He shouts out, I frantically reach up to try to shut him up. "Hey! No I don't want his trunks!" I screech out as the family members spot us. "Straw Hat!" Franky yells out surprised to see us. "You stupid idiot! You'll get arrested for indecent exposure!" I shout out with my eyes closed, I had a grip on Luffy's shoulder so I wouldn't trip. Luffy grabs me and carries me over his shoulder. I open and scream. I catch sight of Franky's stupid ass again. "Luffy! I don't wanna see this shit!" He laughs while running away from Franky, he leaps from roof to roof.

Franky runs down below on the street, I sigh in relief that I couldn't really see him besides his head. "Do you like the ship?!" He shouts out while running, luffy laughs a little a nods. He turns his head a little, his strawhat loosen and I reach up with my right arm catching it quickly. "Yeah! I've never seen such a great ship!" I closed my eyes while trying to ignore the fact that Luffy's shoulder is digging into my stomach. "Bleh" I groan and held onto my mouth so I would throw up on my captain.

"Shit for brains! How the hell do you get motion sickness from that!?" I lift my head to reply, only to get hit in the head with a sign. I let go of the trunks by accident, but it got caught on my brace. My eyes blurred and my head got hit by another sign. Knocking me out as I flopped motionless against luffy.

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