Chapter 25

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-two days later-

Sounds of labor was heard across the city of water. Shipwrights working hard on repairing the damages from Aqua Laguna.



A small grin formed my face as I used my mouth to hold nails. My hands were occupied holding up some wooden boards, helping with the repairs of Water Seven. Pauline was shouting orders left and right at the shipwrights. I had only been up for maybe a few hours now, eating a little bit but not up for much of an appetite. Despite my body needing food, it was the last thing on my mind right now. The only one who isn't awake still is Luffy, however when I left he was seen eating in his sleep.

A whirling noise caught my attention and glanced at my arm brace. There was an automatic mechanism that changes the tightness of the brace, depending on my muscle movement. Dad and a few others helped make blueprints for it while I was sleeping for a day and a half. Franky built it, the brace gives me strength to lift my arm up above my head. As well assist me in battle. Only downside is that I can't get it wet or sleep with it on. Chopper said that it'll help my muscles from weakening. He expects my muscles to weaken, however this brace will prevent it from losing all muscle strength. My hand however, I'll have to regain my strength through therapy. Chopper is already writing and working on what I should do to help my hand. Until then, he suggests to start using my left hand more often. It's a pain in the ass since I've got no coordination what do ever with my left hand. Lifting my left hand holding the small hammer and aim carefully at the nail. My right hand strains a little while trying to hold the nail. Tapping gently with the hammer to embed the nail, the taps gradually get harder and harder. I smile proudly at my work and look up at the building I finished boarding.

A shadow looks over me, tilting back and stare up at the figure. "Aren't you suppose to be with your crew?" Dad gives me a blank face while petting his mouse. I shrug at him and stand up, looking at him and tilt my head. "Aren't you suppose to be working on those blueprints?" I asked him and poke his cheek. He swatted at my hand, and starts guiding me to his manor.

Walking down the path near the canal, I roll my eyes at him being to enthusiastic about me leaving. We already had this talk, and I was too exhausted mentally to continue it. It was right after I had waken up. And right now I was just done thinking about it. "I worked on the blueprints for a little bit, would you care if I tried to use the water and air pressure pump idea?" He asks as we walk closer to the manor. Turning to him in surprise and smiles brightly, he stares at me confused. "So you're gonna use one of my ideas?" I lean forward at him, just to make sure. "With your permission" he added in still confused. "You want to use one of my stupid ideas?" I emphasized on stupid, cause he was the one to usually called them that. He sighs and pushes my forward to the door of the manor. "Your ideas were never stupid" I leap up cheering and laughing. "Hell yeah! I finally got you to admit my ideas are amazing!" I cheered loudly and open the door to the manor. I looked at him and smile. "Be sure not to stick your arm up the air compressor. It hurts like a bitch" he shakes his head and turns towards his office. I walk through the halls towards the back of the manor. Stepping outside and catch sight of the special building for the crew. Walking on the path towards the building. There was marines surrounding the building and there was a hole in the front wall.

"I just want sleep" I groaned out and sluggishly move my body through the crowd. "Hey! You can't be back here!" One shouted as I pushed marines out of my way. "Yeah, well tell that to my dad."  I snapped at them as the marines opened a path for me. Grumbling and walked over to the wall. "Who the hell put a hole in my building! I built this damn place" my voice was grumpy and peered into the wall to see my crew. "Ohhh! Cole-swwaaaannnnnn" Sanji twirled around happily towards me with hearts in his eyes. "Did you get most of the city repaired?" Robin asked, I nod at her question as chopper came over to my to check on my arm. "Good, you didn't do any heavy lifting did you?" I smiled sheepishly and rub the back of my head. "Well, I did on my left arm. I was extra careful this time" chopper nods accepting my answer and turns to look at something else.

That was when I noticed a marine vice admiral. "Oh? Are we getting arrested?" Tilting my head and takes a step through the hole. The older man looks at me with a grin. "Ahh you're that mysterious person! I've always hated when officers called anyone from your world an Anomaly" He laughed full heartily and saunters over to me. I couldn't help but flinch when he lifted his hand up. Expecting him to punch me, I felt someone push my aside gently. "Grandpa, leave my crewmate alone!" Luffy shouted in anger while glaring. With wide eyes I stare at the two in disbelief. "Luffy, this man is your grandpa!" My voice echoed as the crew nods, having shared the same reaction. Rubbing my face in shock and shakes my head. "You haven't changed much since you crashed into a island six years ago. You left heavily wounded on a stolen ship"

My head shot up at this new information. Luffy's Grandpa rubs the back of his head sheepishly. "Taking from your reaction, you don't remember" I sit down on the floor and stay silent. "Vice Admiral Garp, so your saying the government knew about her the second she crash landed on a island? How could have the government known so quickly?" Robin asks curiously seeing that I couldn't form any words. A heavy feeling made my head spin, something must have happened for me to not remember. I could only remember waking up at the shores of water seven. "She crash landed in a marine head quarters, and not just any. It was Marineford"
My whole body froze, like I had taken an attic plunge. The world around me felt still as all I could do was stare at Luffy's Grandpa. "Cole?" This man, means to tell me that I managed to escape Marineford at the age of-! My thoughts froze and then starting running again. He said six years ago, but Zachariah said it's been seven.

Wait that would mean I'm around nineteen now. I was twelve then, Dad thought I was around ten when I washed ashore because of my height. My pulse quickens as my mind just races trying to add things up. "It doesn't add up" I was quiet while Garp ordered his marines to start working on the wall. Luffy sits down in front of me and peers at me. "What doesn't add up? Is it math? Robin can probably help!" He giggles at me and then stops. His body tensed seeing my horrified face. "The man I fought at Enies Lobby said seven years had pass in my world, and I'm pretty sure time goes at the same pace here." Nami walks over and sits down next to me as well with a worried glance. "But Garp said you crashed at Marineford six years ago" My throat tighten and all I could do was nod. A daunting tense atmosphere surrounded us. "What the hell happened in that one year?" My hands tightened into a fist, my right one looked more like a half closed fist. My body shook trying to make sense of this. "She would have been in her world then, because we only started seeing her signature around six years. The others had been seen here longer than her, but most haven't been here as long as she has" Others? Garp started working on the wall when he stated that. "You weren't suppose to know that. But I met someone similar to you, he knew you actually. He went by Mystogen. Quiet an odd name for himself, he made lots of my men fall asleep." Closing my eyes and sigh. "He didn't stay long, he said something about Edolas and then disappeared into thin air by some sort of green energy" A sadden look appeared on my face, Fraya. My beautiful beloved Pink exceed, one loved by many.

"The battle of Edolas" My head tilt back and rested against the wall. Memories flowed through me at the mention of Edolas. My body slumps and relaxes. "I'll be damned, he would have told us, if wasn't for our immediate farewell"
"Battle?" The crew seemed for interested and seeing my relaxed self they all sit and crowd around me. "Oh before I forget luffy, I heard you saw your old man" Garp quickly adds in before I could continue. Nami moves away and stands up. "Luffy's father?" She questioned, keeping an eye on Garp and his terrible repairs a warm body moves next to me. Turning to the side I see Zoro with he back against the wall. His eyes were closed, his swords lay on his right shoulder, his left was nearly touching my right. While Garp talked about Luffy's father, Zoro opened his left eye and looked at my brace. "How's the brace?" His voice laced with curiosity. My mouth twitched bit trying to stop myself from smile.

"It's not too-"

"WAHHH! MONKEY D. DRAGON IS YOUR FATHER!" The crew paying attention to Garp shouts out. Even Zoro seemed surprised at the announcement. I should really consider reading the newspapers, I scratch my head trying to remember where I heard that name. After having an ah hah moment I stood up and point at luffy. "The leader of the Revolutionary Army right!" Everyone stares at me with a blank face. I falter and let my left arm flop. "Oh, you guys knew that" no one answered, I couldn't help but sulk and walk over to the kitchen.

After coming to the conclusion that Garp won't arrest us, I head over to the fridge. I rummage through the fridge and grab some meat. Chomping on it then I turn around to see everyone stare at me. "What, geez wrong time to eat. Sorry, but I'm hungry" My stomach rumbles backing up my statements. As much as it seems that I'm relaxed, I still can't help but wonder what the hell happened in the year before I got here.

The Straw Hat: Dragon SlayerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon