Chapter 44

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"Come on Lil! Is that the best you've got!"

I huffed, moving me feet out to spread my legs, positioning myself in a defense form. Sweat beaded down my forehead as I tried to calm my breathing. The sun beating down on me, I circled around the training grounds matching my opponent in front of me. Natsu grinned wildly, he wasn't out of breath or sweating like I was. I could hear Lucy, Freya and Happy chanting.

"Come on Lil! Show me that roar!" Lucy cheered out towards me as I took a deep breath trying to calm down my breathing. Closing my eyes and tilted my head back. "Oi! Don't close your eyes in battle!" Natsu scolded me, I concentrated on my breathing and took a deep breath. Opening my eyes once more, I watched Natsu start running towards me. Moving my hands up and made a circle near my mouth. Red runes forward around me as I aimed towards Natsu. "Fire.... Dragon ROAR!"

"Thanks, you saved us there"

" it's alright. Here have something to drink" Hildon began pouring wine for Nami, there was an unsettling feeling in my stomach as I watched Hildon. I stared at Usopp as we sat in the weird black carriage that stunk like death and decay. Chopper sat in my lap, we were heading towards the mansion of this island. To a doctor named Hogback. I stayed silent as I glanced a few more times at Hildon. "This forest has many strange and dangerous animals....only those who are brave enough to walk alone are strange and crazy" Hildon spoke, Chopper smacked my leg and giggled a little.

Usopp snickered as I peered out the window a little. "That's okay, Cole here is a little....strange anyways" My eyes narrowed at Usopp who jumped a little in his seat. "Says the scaredy cat" I grinned at him a little, the sniper was speechless as we both turned back our attention to Hildon. "If you want to wait for your friends....I advise you to wait in the mansion" Hildon's worse made me tense. I tried to keep my composure a little, how did he know? Between that red flare as a signal....and the ghost island moves. They surely must know about the rest of the crew. The feeling I keep having felt more unsettling. "And... I'll be able to meet Doctor Hogback!" Chopper cheered and jumped a little in my lap, you could hear the excitement in his voice. I couldn't help but smile a little at his excitement. "Is he that well known?" I asked, chopper turns around with stars in his eyes. "Every doctor knows his name, he's a master surgeon!" I nodded as Chopper then began gushing and fanboying over this doctor.

"He's saved many lives with countless miraculous surgeries!"

"He gained all the fame and fortune a doctor can imagine. All doctors around the world look up to him!"

Chopper turned back around to look at Nami and Usopp, his face faltered a little. "But one day, he disappeared. They say that he was either went missing or was kidnapped. I peered out the window once more. "Cole....would you like a drink?" Hildon spoke quickly, I narrowed my eyes a little.


"she'd love to!"
I groaned inwardly as Nami interrupted me, she passed me her glass to drink as she got a new one. I held the glass in my left hand, chopper reached and sniffed the glass curiously and scrunched up his nose. "No way! There are lions in this forest" Nami said, confusion laced in her voice. The carriage rattled a little, Nami suddenly screamed out and dumped her new glass of wine on me who was also freaking out. The glass smashed into my head. "What the hell is that!?" She screeched out and looked to Hildon. I started seeing dots as wine dropped down my forehead.
Leaning my head back, suddenly feeling the need to sleep.


I tumble forward smacking my head against Usopp. My heart began to race as I tried to regain my composure. Rubbing my forehead trying to rid the pain. "What the hell?" My voice was groggy, tilting my head up see the seats. The carriage was upside down now, and the door was wide open. I stood up and stumbled out of the carriage.

My eyes widen in shock seeing zombies chase after Usopp. Attack Nami and Chopper. "Oh Mavis" I muttered to myself, my heart raced quickly. Okay...don't panic. What the hell! I spun around trying to figure out what to do. "F-fire! Cole use your fire!" Usopp screamed out to me while running passed me. My eyes lit up remembered how Cerberus was. I lift up my left hand, red runes formed around my hands as it lit up with fire. Immediately all the Zombies stopped what they were doing, every head attached and unattached stared at me in horror. "I see....undead things hate fire"
I leap towards Nami and Chopper lifting my left hand some more. "Fire Dragon..... Iron fist!" I yelled out and forced my fire forward with immense speed. Grinning as I saw many of the zombies catch on fire. Standing proudly with my back turned looking to the trio.

"Hell yeah! Call me Zombie Slayer!" I cheered as Zombies groaned in pain. The trio stared at me dumbfounded and shook their head.



"That's lame....stick to Dragon Slayer"

I pouted at my crew mates as they disagreed. Chopper changed into his heavy point form as he stared nervously at the zombies. "I think you made them mad" I turned around and glanced at the zombies.



"You rotten pink haired punk!"

I rubbed the back of my head and looked at my friends with a sheepish smile.


The Straw Hat: Dragon SlayerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora