Chapter 33

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My body ached, every muscle hurt to even move. Even breathing hurt, every breath I took felt like needles on my chest. Opening my eyes slowly, I lifted my hand up to cover them from the blinding light. A rustling was heard next to the bed making me alarmed. My heart raced and my breath quickened. Despite my muscles aching in pain, I push myself up against the bed board. I stare at the blue haired male in front of me. The man lifts his hands up. "Hey, it's okay Cole. You're safe here" his words were soothing, I relaxed a little. Recognizing him now as the man who carried me. "You're that Ice man" my voice was raspy, I fiddled with the bedding as I flinched hearing his laughter. "Close. But I'm Ice-berg, the Mayor of Water Seven" he explained, I tilted my head in confusion. "Who names a place called Water Seven?" He grins at my question and laughs some more. Leaning back on the pillow and watched the man, relaxing a bit more.


"C-Cole! Put that down!" One of the ship wrights shouted with their eyes bulging, seeing me carry a large barrel on my shoulders. I grin at them and skip around carrying an empty barrel. Everyone around kept thinking it was full. "Cole, why must you give them a hard time" a voice approached, turning my head to see Dad. "Sorry Dad" I whispered at him, he smiled at me happily. I had just started calling him that, and every time he smiles brightly. I kick his shin making him topple to the side with a groan. "Stop being a weirdo and smiling so much!"


"Cole, you need to eat your vegetables" Dad scolded me and points to my plate. I ate all the meat already, but I didn't touch a single carrot at all. I puff my cheeks and turn away. "Hmpf" he sighs and picks up his plate and mine. I grin victoriously. "I guess you won't get any strawberry cake" my grin immediately turns in to a horrified face. Turning to him as he started walking to the kitchen. "Oi! Bring back those carrots!" leaping out of my chair to chase him. His laughter fills the room while trying to run away from me.


"D-dad" I cried sitting up in my bed, he sat down on the edge of the bed with his hand on my head. "Why can't I remember? Was I just tossed to the side?" I weeped with tears falling down my cheek. I felt so alone, but arms wrapped around me giving me a comforting warmth. I snuggled into him and sob. "You are such an amazing kid, no one could possibly have the right mind to toss you aside." He kisses my head and pulls me closer. Rocking me back and forth slowly. "I just know it that someone is still thinking of you and looking for you" my lip quivers and sobs some more. "But I don't wanna leave you and then you forget about me." He pushes me away to look at me. He placed a hand under my chin so I could look at him in the eyes.

"I would never forget about you, my amazing daughter"

Without hesitation, I leap off the railing and land on the ground once again. But this time, it felt like it'll be the last time I set foot on here. I ran towards Dad who held his arms wide open. Crashing into his embrace weeping. His body shook and felt his tears run down into my hair. "You'll always be my troublesome Daughter, I'll never forget that" he voice quivered all I could do was cry into his embrace. "I'll make you proud Dad" I lean back and look up at him. He smiles with tears. "You've always made me proud" my eyes widen as he kisses my forehead tenderly. Suddenly he pushes me away, he turns me around with my back facing him. He pushes me again towards the sailing boat.

"CCOOOLLLEEE!" Luffy jumps onto the rails holding his hand out for me. He smiles wide and waits. I turn my head back and my eyes widen. Dad had his back to me with his right arm up, h-his hand forming a 'L'. The wind pushes me forward as I turn back and run towards luffy. He grins at me and stretches his arm towards me, he grabs ahold of my right arm. "H-hey wait!" I screech at him in panic, he laughs as my right arm is tugged painfully along with my body towards the ship. I fly in the air with the wind blowing my hair around. The air made my cheeks cold from crying so much. I crash into the deck and groan. "Aww man" I lift my right arm with struggle and saw that my brace was completely destroyed. I glared at Luffy and leap up with flames leaving my mouth. "You idiot!" I shout at him and leap towards him, ready to tackle him. Only to stop hearing my Dad laugh, running up the stairs to the quarter Deck. I paused at stared at the flag before me, I reach into my pocket remembering the letter. "DAD!" I began as my voice echoed, Dad looks at me. I lift my left arm, turning my hand and form an 'L' shape. "RAISE THAT FLAG PROUDLY!" I shout to him with all my might. I roared loudly and my crew laughed. The flag that waved in the winds felt like home.

"Take Care!"

"Big Bro! TAKE CARE!" A smile lifted my face, hearing my dad tell me that he is always proud of me. The burden I was feeling lifted off of me. I let my arm come back down and I walk back down to the deck. My crew mates watched me with each step. "Are you ready?" Luffy asked while sitting on the railing of the ship. I nod and smile. "Yeah" He gives me a large smile and turns towards me. "That's good! Cause you had me worried for a second! You were such a cry baby!" He states leaving me dumbfounded, Nami leaps forward and slaps him. "Yeah no shit! She's leaving the only place that she knows! This is a whole new world for her!" She yells at him defending me. I laugh at their antics, sitting down. Chopper rushes over to me and helps take off the broken brace. "Leave it to our Captain, we can never have anything nice" he grumbled and reaches into his bag for wraps. He wraps my arm into a sling. "This is the best we can do for now, so no sudden moveme-"


The ship rocks from left to right, my stomach turns. We're all toppling over from the sudden attack. I try to keep myself from throwing up and hold it in. "Crap it's the navy!" Sanji shouts while leaning over the railing to see the warship. Standing up, chopper looks at me worriedly and urges me to be closer to the wall. "Grandpa!" My captain shouts out. I brace myself against the wall prepared in case we get another attack. I honestly felt useless because of my stupid arm. I glare at my arm angrily and push myself away from the wall and stand next to Franky. "Hey Luffy! Hey this is your Grandpa!" Garp's voice rang out as we can see him standing at head of his ship. "Hey Grandpa! What's going on? I thought you said you weren't going to catch us!" Luffy shout at Garp, I leaned on the railing with my left arm and look at the warship that got closer.

Still taking in the sight of Water Seven, my chest tightened in nervousness. Taking a deep breath and I nod. "You're not alone on this kiddo, remember my promise. I'll be with you every step of the way" Franky points at me with a grin, I couldn't help but grin as well. "A lot of stuff has happened, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to send you to a watery grave!" Garp's voice rang out as me and Franky shared a worried look. We glanced over at luffy who held a frustrated look.

I fiddled with my sling and felt the hairs on the back of my neck move. A cannon ball flew pass me and hit scrap island with a boom. My eyes blazed in anger, the smoke clouded my vision. "Oi! Old man!" I shout out seething in anger. I stomp towards the quarterdeck and look directly at Garp. "OLD MAN WATCH WHERE YOUR AIMING! YOU ALMOST HIT MY D- CIVILIANS!" Flames let my mouth as I spat at Garp in anger. Surprising my crew at my random outburst. I could hear Dad and the ship wrights laugh as the smoke cleared. I let out a sigh of relief seeing that no one was hurt.

Blood drained from my face as reality punched me in the face. I just called a legendary marine war hero, a vice admiral 'old man'.

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