Chapter 5(Edited)

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Once everyone settled down and recollected themselves, we stood in silence. Luffy ended up sitting down on one of the benches. "..So in the end, we still don't have it..." Usopp looked down not daring to look at his crew, while Luffy crossed his legs and arms. "We don't know yet. We're waiting for Franky to come back. Even if he doesn't, we still have 100 million." Luffy smiled cheerfully and I cut in," And I'll gladly help out the payments too. So don't worry about it" I said, Usopp looked at me with shock written all over his face. "Sorry about knocking you out" Shaking my head. "Don't worry getting knocked out, that isn't the worst thing i have gotten. Considering I work for Galley-La" I informed as if got everyone to at least smile. "But right now, everyone is glad that you're still alive" Usopp looked down again... "I'm sorry...So can we fix the going merry with 100 million" He asked towards me, I was speechless. I didn't know what to say, and I wasn't the one to tell him. 

I looked towards luffy he nodded in acceptance. "We came a long way to get to this High class Shipyard, we need to make the ship even stronger for us to Conquer the Sailing beyond." Usopp rambled on and then stopped. "Nope! Usopp" I began getting slightly nervous.. "I've decided to change ships! Going Merry helped us a lot, but it's sailing days will end right here." Luffy turned his body to look at a Ship catalog.  "Let's talk about which ship to buy, most of the 2nd-hand ships that we can buy with 100 million are bigger than ours. Hey cole, could you design the weapons for us?" He turned towards me, before I could even open my mouth. Usopp held a confused face. "Hold on, Hold on! Don't Joke around...!! It's not funny at all!!"Usopp was a nervous wreck now that he knew. "Do we not have enough money to repair the ship anymore...Because i lost the 200 million!? We just don't have enough money, right?" Usopp tried to think it was a joke, he then stood up. "Since the world-class shipyard probably charges world-class prices..." Luffy tried to defend himself. "No, that's not it!!" Luffy tried to calm down usopp. "THEN WHAT IS IT!? TELL ME! DON'T WORRY ABOUT HURTING MY FEELINGS!!!" I tried to hold a calm face as they argued. I've seen this happen so many times before, but for some reason watching this happen to this crew hurts. A lot. "I DON'T!! IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MONEY!!!" Luffy yelled back at Usopp who was pissed. "THEN WHY DO YOU SAY SUCH NONSENSE LIKE CHANGING SHIPS!!?" I looked down, this ship means a lot to this crew. Like I thought before, a ship holds a crew together, like friendship and loyalty together as a ship.  "Stop Yelling you two, Sit down and talk calmly." Zoro yelled out at them trying to mediate the situation. "Calm! How can I be Calm after hearing such stupid things!!?" Both Luffy and Usopp leaned in forward and continued yelling at each other. "We decided on that because we have no other choice! YOU SHOULD CALM DOWN AND LISTEN INSTEAD OF YELLING!" Luffy yelled standing up. "Usopp, you shouldn't do any intense movement with your current condition!!" Chopper stated but was ignored. Then Sanji held back Luffy, and Chopper was hold Usopp back. "MERRY IS...GOING TO DIE!!!" Zoro stood next to me holding an emotionless face, I however didn't know what to think about this. A captain decision isn't always the easiest decision. They hold a burden to lead a crew. All yelling came to a stop. Usopp held a shock face, while Luffy huffed in anger and frustration. "No one can fix it no matter what. I would never make that decision otherwise!" Luffy stated holding his hat. Usopp began patting the ship. "But this ship...It took is all the way here, didn't it? Yeah..but now it's only a matter of time before it sinks!!" Usopp stood up crossing his arms, not believing what Luffy said. "What are you talking about..Luffy?" Luffy looked at him trying to reason with him. "I'm not kidding. It's the Truth!"

 "Cole and the Ship-mechanic said we won't get to the next island with this ship no matter what!!" Luffy stated he looked at me for a brief moment then looked back to Usopp. "Ah..They said you can't get to the next island...Do you always listen to strangers and trust everything they say?" I tensed up when he stated that, Zoro noticed but didn't say anything. "What!?" Luffy yelled out pissed. "JUST BECAUSE A FEW CARPENTERS SAY IT CAN'T BE SAVED, IT'S GOING TO DIE? IT CAME ALL THIS WAY WITH US... BE IT GIANT WAVES OR DEADLY SEA-BATTLE. THIS SHIP IS A FRIEND THAT CAME THROUGH IT ALL WITH US!!!"  Usopp yelled in pure anger, I sighed and went to go out the door. But Zoro grabbed my shoulder, He shook his head. I just stood next to him crossing my arms gently "YET YOU'RE GOING TO...LEAVE IT HERE TO DIE!!!" Usopp glared towards luffy. "This ship is just a tool to you, isn't it? LUFFY!!" I clenched my fist. "What would you know!?" Luffy yelled. "There is no Carpenter on this crew!! That is why we need them to take a look for us!!!" Luffy yelled again. "BIG DEAL! WE DON'T NEED THEM!!! I'LL FIX IT LIKE I ALWAYS HAVE!" Usopp stated almost falling, but caught himself. "Stop Usopp!!" Sanji yelled. "It's DECIDED then. EVERYONE, give me a HAND!! First, we'll buy wood from the shipyard with the help of cole. TIME TO GET BUSY!!" Usopp commanded, luffy looked up mad. "You're not a CARPENTER, USOPP!!!" Luffy yelled. Nami held a shocked face. "Hey, LUFFY!" Usopp looked towards still struggling to stand up. "Yeah, But so what!? And so what if they ARE!? It's not their ship! They don't Give a damn!!" I can take hits, bullets, swords. But one thing i'm not go at is being verbally insulted. I clenched my fist hard. "They're JUST BULL-SHITTING US. I DON'T BELIEVE THEM! WE'LL FIX OUR OWN SHIP!!" I relaxed my hands, knowing that it's his emotions getting ahead of him. He isn't thinking straight, like every other time someone got upset about their ship. "I'LL NEVER GIVE UP THIS SHIP!! ARE YOU ALL IDIOTS!!? DO YOU LISTEN TO THOSE CARPENTERS LIKE DOGS!?" My eyes widen I shock as my mouth gaped. I took a step forward, this is getting to far. 

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