Chapter 35

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Grumbling to myself as I sit with my back against the main mast. Should I mention unwillingly? Like sea stone chains wrapped around me unwillingly. Chopper tried using rope, but I got frustrated and burned them. He had to have Zoro use them, cause Usopp was too scared to do it.

So now I'm chained to the mast, an injured person trying to recover. A gloomy aura covered me as I watched my crew mates get ready for Franky's secret weapon. If it goes to plan, then I'm kinda thankful for the chains. "Franky you big loaf! Get that Air cannon going!" I shout at him impatiently wanting to get out of the stupid chains. I wiggle around only to get sprayed by water. Turning to the direction, chopper and Usopp giggle amongst themselves as the reindeer holds a spray bottle. "Franky do it now!" Luffy ordered at him with a stern face. Meanwhile the two with the spray bottle changed their faces into a horrified one. following their line of sight to see Garp hurling a giant cannon ball at us. "YOU ROBOT SHIT GET IT GOING!" I yelled out in alarm while tugging at the chains. My body aches as I tried to pull and attempt to break the chains. "COUPE DE" The ship began to shake little by little. "Wheeee"
I slowly tried to relaxed against the mast and watch the hurling cannonball get closer and closer. "See you in the papers Dad" A smile etched on my face as the shaking got stronger, and a gust of air shot out the back of the boat under the quarterdeck. "BURST!" The ship launched into the air, the wind blowing against my face. The chains kept me close to the deck as I watched my crew mates struggle to find something to hold onto. The ship soared and a large distance was created between us and water seven. The impact of the ship landing back into the sea rattling everyone.

My back slammed against the mast as my breath was taken away. "If anything breaks I'll fix it! I have my trusty apprentice with me too!" Franky poses with his arms forming his iconic star shape on his forearms. He then stands up straight and walks over to me. "I was younger then, I'm no apprentice" I puff out my cheeks annoyed, he pokes my cheek. Glaring at him and lunge at him. Well tried to, I forgot for a moment that I was still chained up. He laughs at my misfortune and continued to poke me. "You can ask me and this brat anything. She memorized the plans and the weapons aboard this ship too." Franky continues and explains to the crew. I nod as well trying to avoid his pokes, I paused and turned my head to look at him directly. I held a mischievous look and bit his finger. The crew laughed at our antics as Franky tried to get me to let go of his finger. Water sprayed at my face, leaving me dumbfounded and let go of Franky. "Shehehehe!" Luffy sits criss cross in-front of me laughing.

-3rd POV-

Meanwhile at the edge of scrap island stood a man with a heavy heart. His long time friend who learned alongside with him under Tom, had left. But not only him, his daughter that he grew to love with everything in his heart. He knew it was for the best, she would learn about the greatest wonders of the world. And unfortunately the dark side of this world as well.

"Ice for brain, are you sure you can handle her? She doesn't even have a devil fruit and can creat fire." Franky stared at him unsure as he sat in a secluded building. Ice-berg sat across from him in the room with a deep sigh. "If you saw the look on her face, the relief she felt when she knew she was safe. Then you'd know that you couldn't ever turn her away" he explained with his eyes trained to the floor. "I'll protect her even if it sends me to an early grave, I'll keep her safe." There was a long silence between the two men before one spoke. "What will you do, when the day comes that she wants to leave?" It was a grim thought for Ice-Berg, it gave him an empty feeling in his heart. With a discouraged smile he looks at Franky. "Then I'll try my best to encourage her no matter what she chooses."

Ice-Berg knew this day would come, and he was glad it was with a crew like the straw hats. He would have been fine with that Yanko Shanks, but she wasn't ready at the time. Besides with Franky on the crew, he knew that he could sleep at night. Cause Franky see's her as a niece and is willing to protect her no matter what. But he'll never admit that to her. "Alright guys, we got work to do" He turns to face the ship wrights who all grin despite having a sad feeling as well. "We need to tear down that old shack first" As soon as he said that everyone shouted to disagree. Lifting his hand up to silence them, they all quoted down. "We are to set up a weaponry shop in replace of the old shack." He added as each and every ship wright held a smile on their face. "Cole's original flag will fly above the galley-la building proudly. We will honor her and her crew that way. Understood?" He had a smile on his face once more watching his employees cheer loudly with passion. "Are you going to find a weapon specialist since the post is now available?" Paulie walked over to him with a grim look. Ice-berg glanced at him and shook his head. "Why should I? Cole has agreed to send me letters, I'll get her to send blueprints. Well, once she realizes that her crew accidentally left most of her blueprints here. It's only a matter of time for me to receive a letter for the blueprints." he chuckles and the two started to laugh uncontrollably. Know what it's like to mess with her blueprints.

-Cole's POV-

"Now let's make it official!" Luffy shouted out holding booze in his cup, I stare dumbfounded at the crew as they cheer. "Let's welcome back Usopp and Robin!" I wiggle against the chains annoyed. "Oi! Let me out!" Everyone paused and stared at me dumbfounded. "Oh yeah, I totally forgot about the chains" Zoro laughed full heartedly, he walked over to me and unlocked the chains. I carefully stretched my right arm with the assistance of my left hand. I move to stand only to have a hand in front of me. I grab the hand with my left and Zoro helps pull me up. Luffy laughs at me as Sanji passes me a drink. "For you Mademoiselle" He had hearts in his eyes once I grabbed the drink, Sanji twirls away towards Robin next.

Looking down at the cup and sniff it. A strong alcoholic stench came from the cup, I couldn't help but scrunch my nose at the scent. Cheers and laughter of my crew distracted me from the drink and a smile grew watching them. "We welcome our new crew mates! Franky, Cole and the Ship! The Thousand Sunny!" Luffy yelled out with glee and we all held up our cups cheering and celebrating. "Cheers Everyone! Drink up!" I look down at the cup and brought the cup to my lips. The smell made my stomach turn but I tipped the cup back and sipped it. The liquid left a small burning sensation in my mouth. A foul strong tasting drink. I couldn't help but grimace at the drink, Zoro nudged my shoulder and eyes my drink. "Here" he grins and takes my drink and gulps its down. "Next stop! Fish-man Island!" Luffy announced, I sit down on the deck and Chopper rushed over to me giggling and laughing. He jumps into my lap and smiles brightly at me. "We're sailing together now! And we get to make new memories with you." He states, I gave him a sincere smile and pat his head. "Could you tell me another story about your adventures with your brother and that one lady?" He asked, the crew around us grew silent. We turned our attention to them to see that they were looking over at us. "Yeah, tell us more about your super cool adventures" Usopp said eagerly with stars on his face, he was pushed aside by luffy who leaned really close to my face with excitement etched on his face. "Yeah! I wanna hear about Fooya!" I giggle at him and push him away. "You dummy, it's Fiore" Chopper smacks luffy and lectured him.

Watching those two I felt content and happy, the crew has made me feel so welcomed. It brought me pure happiness. "Tell us a happy story!" Luffy ordered at me, I laugh and nod. "Okay, let me think" Humming to myself trying to find a good memory to talk about.

"This one all started cause Fraya and I got left behind by my brother once" I started, silence filled the deck.


"Shitty story"

"OI! I said a Happy story!"

"What kind of happy story is this?"

I lean back laughing uncontrollably, holding on to my stomach as tears leaked from my laughter. After calming down a bit I take a deep breath to control my breathing. "Sorry, sorry. But I promise it's a happy one" I explained lifting my hands up to appease my crew mates, they all looked at me with wary eyes.

"It all started when Fraya and I stayed up too late for nearly a week. We were reading up on healing magic"

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