Chapter 11 (Edited)

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-Cole's new memory-
My head pounded loudly with my heart. Bump. Opening my eyes, the world was blurry with a red blob and a blue blob. My hands touched the ground, rough and sharp. When my vision came clear, the blobs became bodies. A red female hugging a blue haired male. Within moments of their hug, a bright light illuminated around us. I let out a scream from the immense pain. Once the light died down, my eyes zeroed in on the two people in front of me. "We're alive?" The female was in disbelief. The Blue male then began to laugh like a maniac. I slowly began to move my body, getting on all fours. I couldn't help but let out a painful groan. "Lilith?" It was like my body had no energy but wanted to keep fighting. And who is Lilith? Is that my name? Why do I feel so much pain? Like my life force is almost gone?

I couldn't focus my attention as everything went fuzzy.
"Finally, FINALLY, THE TIME HAS COME!!!" The Blue male shouted out holding a evil face to the sky. "Jellal, You..." The redhead started as she was surprised. Jellal titled his head to face her. "Heheheh, Surprised, are you, Erza?" The blue male mocked her, he lifted his arms around the crystal like structure. THAT WAS NOT THERE A FEW MINUTES AGO. My eyes widened in shock as I finally managed to stand on my two feet."This is the true form of the Tower of Heaven. A gigantic pillar of Lacrima. And through the power of the council's aetherion." Tower of Heaven? Lacrima? What the hell is this place?
Jellal shouted out. "I HAVE SUCCEEDED IN GATHERING TO BILLION, SEVEN HUNDRED MILLION IDEAS OF MAGICAL ENERGY!!!" He yelled to me and Erza.. "Finally, THE R-SYSTEM IS TRULY COMPLETE!!" Erza held a fearful face. "Y-you tricked me...!" Erza accused. "Oh, you were very cute, Erza. Lilith too, young, but cute" My body tensed at that. "LILITH HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!!" Erza shouted out as I realized that there was two jellals....
"THE TWO OF US ARE ONE AND THE SAME, WE ALWAYS WERE." He spoke mocking us again. My eyes widen in shock. "My power, my magic has returned." My body shook as i stared at him in fear, the evil that radiated off of him. Magic? So it is real.
-end of memory-
-Cole's POV-
I couldn't breath, this was too much. Magic, Lacrima, Erza, Jellal, Tower of Heaven.


Gasping in air, I begin to panic. "NO! ERZA!!" I shouted out randomly as someone holds me down. "COLE CALM DOWN!" I heard someone shout. What the hell was that about!!! Why am I seeing memories that I fail to keep someone safe, or better yet from crying!! My body shook as I curled up only to wince. "Please don't hurt her" I whispered as someone hugged me. I open my eyes to see that I'm on the old sea train. "Cole?" I heard someone whisper. I looked up too see it was Zoro. I push him away in horror. "Stay away! Please!" I shouted and stumble to push myself backwards. "Cole.." I shook my head as I put my hands to my face. "WHY DOES EVERYTHING GO AGAINST ME! I don't even know if my name is Cole anymore!" I shouted out as tears fell from my eyes. "I thought it was for someone else, but the people keep saying that name repeatedly to me. And, and I can't even help them, even when I don't remember them!" I looked up at Zoro so confused. My eyes looked around to see a room filled with people. "Tell me what was the name?" Luffy asked slowly, tremors filled my body as I tried to fight them. "Lilith" I muttered as everyone heard. "Then Lilith Cole is your name. Nothing to be sad about." Luffy spoke as I looked at him, a few tears fell. "Cole will be your name for now on. And not everyone can be helped, some have to fight their own battles" Zoro added in, I nodded.
"Now are you calm now" I slowly nodded at zoro's question, then he took a step to me and held out his hand. Taking it he slowly helped me up. "So explain to me why i'm on a sea train that has no breaks?" I asked as my eyes see Granny Kokoro. "Well you see, we're going to save Franky and Robin at Enies Lobby" Nami said. My eye twitched. "So you're telling me that the stupid CYBORG GOT CAPTURED!!! And robin and him ARE GOING TO ENIES LOBBY!!!" I Yelled out in a pissed off mood. "Well, we managed to rescue you before CP-9 could take you" Chopper explained as a den den started going off. Nami quickly answers. "Nami! Nami! Can you hear me!?" I heard Sanji's voice. Then Paulie and some others were outside the train now... "Yes! Is that you, Sanji-kun!?" Nami asked. As Nami spoke into the den den. I heard shouts from the outside. "DON'T PANIC!!! KEEP FIRING!!!" Firing at what?! We're not under attack right?. I carefully stuck my head out to see... "WHAT THE HELL!!! WHY ARE WE GOING STRAIGHT FOR AQUA LAGUNA!!!!" Letting out a scream as I climbed out of the train window to help them out. "Hey! Has anyone see my sledge hammer!?" I shouted out over the fire. "HERE!" Shouted Paulie as he threw me my precious sledge hammer.
Smiling as I caught it, then turned to glare at Paulie. "OI! DON'T THROW MY TOOLS YOU STUPID!!!" Shouted at him and stood at the front with luffy, zoro. "I hope you don't mind. Not like I care, but i'm going to help you guys...." I said swinging around my hammer. "Plus i'm pissed, pissed at Galley-la, The government, my STUPID ASS DREAMS" speaking as I stood in the middle of them in front of the steamer.. "How much is two times 108?" Asked luffy. "216" answered by me and Zoro. Zoro hand all his swords out ready, one in his mouth the two in his hands... "What! But that's so hard to pronounce...." Complained luffy, i chuckled at his childish complain.. "Then just change it" I spoke and heated up my sledge hammer.
"Then 300." Luffy said preparing, i nodded. "Fine" Spoke zoro.
"GOMU....GOMU!!!" "Three-Hundred bond!" "FIRE DRAGON...!"
"ROAR SIEGE CANNON!!!" With our three combo attack it actually sliced into aqua laguna....
"WE MADE IT THROUGH!!!!" The Franky family cheered along with the others too. "OOo!! Woah--!! I thought we were dead meat!!!" Someone shouted.. "WE SURVIVED AQUA LAGUNA!!" Another shouted out.... "That was AWESOME---!!" My eye began to twitch in annoyance... "ngagaga....That was impressive!!" Granny Kokoro spoke laughing. "They would be terrifying if the were enemies.." Someone from the Franky family spoke.. "But as allies, they're more reliable than anyone...!!"
I went to take a step forward, but I failed to do so and almost collapsed. That was until someone grabbed me. "Stupid, you just woke up from being wounded..." Someone....As in Zoro whispered into my ear, my eyes went wide. Blushing madly, I began denying it. "HEY! I don't need any help! I'm capable of walking!" shouting at him, this caught Paulie's attention. He looked at us and sighed.
Zoro grabbed me and slung me on his back gently.. "HEY! MOSSHEAD SET ME DOWN!" I shouted bonking his head. "WOMAN! I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU SO SHUT IT!" He shouted back as he climbed into the window... "WELL I DONT NEED YOUR GOD DAMN HELP, SO PUT ME DOWN!" I huffed as he set me down on the couch. "Stupid, idiot, mosshead, blockhead...." I muttered then freezed, zoro caught this and started teasing me. "What? Can't think of anymore words?" Blockhead....Where have i heard that before.......

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