Chapter 34

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I immediately spin around and faced my crew mates in alarm. My body in fight or flight mode, with my heart racing after seeing Garp with a menacing face. I let out an uncharacteristic childish scream of horror. "We don't have a choice! We got to get out of here or he'll blow the ship to pieces" I shout out, Nami begins shouting out orders to start sailing the ship. Scrambling down the stairs frantically holding onto the railing with my left arm. "This is bad!" Franky whipping his head back and forth at the crew mates running around him. "He's going to throw a whole bunch of them!" He yells out in alarm, everyone around us starts working faster. I grind my teeth as we sail at a slow pass past scrap island. "What's the hold up!" I shout out confused standing in the middle of the deck. Robin walks over to me seeing my confused face. "That's right, while you were gone repairing the buildings we had a talk about Usopp." She caught me up to date. "So we're waiting on Usopp?" A heavy sigh left my mouth as I could see the anticipation that is held on Luffy's face. My right arm itched with the sling, I fidget with it. Glaring menacingly at the stupid thing. I just want- "don't you dare! You'll be sent below deck if you light that sling on fire!" Chopper calls out from a far, he was untying the rope to the sails getting the ship ready. "Hey! He's Here! Usopp's Here!" Chopper yells out with glee, he sprints over to the railing. Completely forgetting the rope.

I lunge forward with my left arm reaching for the rope, so the sail easing flopping aimlessly. The rope tightened making my muscles scream at the tension, I kept ahold of the rope. "Hey! Im still here!" From a distance you can barely see Usopp running through scrap island. My feet started to slide since the wind started to catch the sails. "Ghaaa" my hand burned as the rope slipped a bit. Turning and used shoulder for the pressure, I pushed forward to where the rope needs to be tied. "Ah yes, let the injured tie the rope!" I turn my head and screech at Chopper who looked alarmed at me. He rushed over and helped tie the rope. He kept apologizing. "Im just the doctor!" He weeps out, I kneel down and pat his hat gently. And then shake him with a glare as he comically cries at me.

"Wahhhh! Don't worry, I'll-"



"Protect the ship!" Luffy ordered as he expanded his stomach to a balloon like shape and had cannonballs bounce off of him. I glance at Chopper who stared at me with a knowingly look. "I can use my feet right doc?" Chopper's eyes bulged out and started yelling at me. Before I let him respond I rush up to the quarterdeck and jump up using the rails as a boost. Cannon balls shot in our direction, taking a deep breath I lift my right leg up and red runes form around my shoe. "Well here goes nothing. Fire Dragon: Dragon Heel!" I yell out and kick my leg forward at the cannonballs. "Hey Guys! REJOICE ITS ME!" Usopp's voice rang out, but no one made a move to look at him besides Chopper. Explosions rang out as the fire hit the cannonballs.

Landing back on the ship, I look down at my legs and smile. "Hahaha! It worked!" Cheering and leap up helping my crew mates protect the ship. Zoro sliced at the attacks, I tilt my head back and puff my cheeks out. "Fire Dragon: ROAR!" Using my left hand I form a 'o' shape, red rune shapes formed around my hand as I blew fire directly and some of the on coming attack. We sailed further away, turning and saw Usopp standing and the edge of scrap island. The waves crashed against the ship as the wind picked up the sails more. "IM SORRY!" The whole crew turned to look at him, a small grin formed on my face.

About time, I was getting tired of seeing the crew so Mopey. Keeping my attention towards Garp who still threw cannonballs at us. Jumping up and lift my leg up. "Fire Dragon: Dragon Heel!" I shout as runes form my shoe again, I kick down at the cannonball. It splashed into the water while I land on the railing. Sitting, I kick my legs back and forth excitedly. "Man, this is fun!" I laughed and tilted my head back only to lose my balance a bit. "Fumbass, get down there before you fall" a hand grabs the back of my vest and yanks me to the deck. I look up and see an annoyed Zoro, I gave him a goofy grin. We turn our attention towards luffy who stretched himself over the railing while chopper held on to him. He stretched his arm far enough to Usopp, getting up from the deck. Both me and Zoro head down to the main deck to see Luffy crying with snot running down. "You're an idiot" Zoro chuckled at our Captain who was crying like a kid. But I can't say much since I did that a lot the pass few days. I giggle at the crews antics. "You guys look so dumb!" Nami stats while laughing at them, the spirits of the crew lifted knowing that their Sniper has come back. "Now we're finally all together!" Luffy leans back and laughs with his eyes closed. Multiple cannonballs shot at us missing the ship. "Let's hurry and get away from those cannonballs!" He orders out as we all celebrate excitedly.  "Yeah!" I shout out throwing my left arm up happily.

"Fold the sails up!" Franky shouted, I turn to him furrowing my eyes. I saw the plans, at this rate well end up running out of cola for a while. "Franky, Are you sure about this?" Nami questioned, while the crew messed around down on the deck. I head towards the main mast. My sling loosens, making my arm muscles ache terribly. Climbing up the mast quickly and start rolling the sail up. Chopper gets yelled at down below and climbs up the mast to on the other side helping me. At this point I gave up using just my left arm and started rolling the sail with the ropes. Down below Sanji and Zoro waited for us to finish and tie the ropes at the bottom. "Sails are folded!" I shout out below as my right arm ached horribly. Me and chopper headed back down the mast, I took my time since my arm ached. "I have an idea for a name" stepping onto the deck I turned my attention to Franky, chopper follows after me. He did a double take on my right arm, he sighed and then looked back at me wide eye. "You dummy-"
"THOUSAND SUNNY" I grinned at the name as the crew stared at Franky awestruck. Chopper lunged at me and latches onto my shoulder. "You idiot!" He smacks my head repeatedly gaining the attention of the crew. "What'd she do this time?" Zoro questioned with an amused look. I glanced away grumbling, my crew talked amongst each other about what their names they were thinking of. "Dad thought of that" I muttered and standing on the grass with chopper still yelling in my ear.

Wincing at the pitch, he falters and sighs. He bangs his head against mine and we watch the crew. "Oi, Franky. Use that secret weapon you installed on the ship" I called out, the crew became silent as Franky pouted at me. "That is totally not super! I wanted to surprise them" He shouts at me while I grin. "Take a last look at the beautiful city of water" my grin falters, my back slumps over as I glance at the city once more. My heart clutches this will be the last time I see what I know of. It's scary, I don't know what to expect. Now that I'm wanted by the world government, I can't even fathom the idea of coming back and putting everyone in harms way. Taking a step closer to the railing and admire the sun shining at the city. While Luffy had his farewell I can barely spot my Dad, but with his blue hair I could see him standing at the edge of scrap island. This was my last chance to give him one more goodbye.

"D-DAD!" I yell out, my voice echoing. I push myself from the railing and set chopper down. I kneel down and place my forehead on the deck. Bowing. "THANK YOU FOR LOVING ME!" I closed my eyes, willing myself not to cry for another time day. Lifting my head up and shout out once more. "I LOVE YOU DAD!" I roared out almost feeing my heart leap out to him. I open my eyes and could see that he was on his knees waving at me. A hand pats my shoulder comforting me. "This is a new world for you, it's okay to be scared. Just know that you won't be alone" Zoro's hand squeezed my shoulder as he watched my dad wave at us. My body shook as I tried to stop my tears, my vision was so blurry at this point. I wanted to stay strong and not cry. Not wanting Dad to see me cry before I leave. Afraid to speak, I could only nod.

"Cole! Sit down! Doctor's orders!" Chopper shouted at me from across the deck. I was to emotional drained to fight him, Zoro grabbed the back of my vest and started to drag me towards Chopper.

A/N: Let me know what you guys think about the story so far and of Cole. I know that she seems kinda weak-ish right now. Being emotional and recovering from her injuries, but I really wanted to try and not over power her.  As well as having that  internal struggle, because recovering just doesn't happen in a snap of a finger.

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