"How does he look like?" She asked softly. "Promise you won't get mad or tell Michael?" I asked.


"He had curly hair....um.....green eyes. He has dimples," I smiled at the image of him in my head.

"Seems attractive, but why would I get mad?"

"Well um....how do I say this? He has tattoos and piercings....." I whispered. She stayed silent.

"Are you mad?" I asked.

"No, I mean well not really. People has tattoos and piercing for reasons Mere. Did you talk to him before?" She questioned.

"Yeah. We have to do this history project together...." I trailed off.

"Well that's good. Take this time to get to know him." She said.

"Okay. Thanks Linds, I'm going to go for a walk." I responded getting up.

"Okay, be back before dinner, Oh and tell me if something happens between you and this guy. Wait what is his name?" 

"Harry," I replied.

"Cute name," She said giving me a smile. I giggled.

I went upstairs to get dressed. I mean I can't go outside with pajamas on. Well I wish I could.

I went in my closet and found something comfy to wear. I let my hair out of it's bun so it was in waves. 

 I grabbed my phone to take but decided not to. I need peace.

When I was out the door, I felt the fall air hit me, making my hair blow back. It wasn't very cold but it wasn't warm enough to wear short sleeve. It was getting dark already and I can see the sky getting orange. 

I started walking along the pavement until I came across a playground. It wasn't a big one but it wasn't small either. I went on it. It was deserted but it's like 6 so people wouldn't be here.

I went to swing sets and sat down in one of the swings. I started swinging myself slowly. This is the time I get to think.

I couldn't exactly fancy Harry. I mean he could be a murderer. I mean would you really fancy a guy who killed your parents? But then again, I haven't called the cops on him yet. 

But he couldn't have killed them. I mean why would he kill someone and not get caught. But then again he could of taken them to an alley and killed them. But then how did people know they died?

This is so confusing. 

Plus I don't even know Harry. You can't just start liking someone who you barely know!

I was thinking so hard that I didn't even know someone sat in the swing next to me. I kept my head down, not wanting to see who it was. 

"Hey," The person said in a thick Cheshire accent. I already knew who it was. What does he want? I told him I didn't want to see him ever again but then again I was happy he was here and i get to see him.

I looked up to see him in a pair of skinny jeans and a purple Jack Wills hoddie. That was a bit weird because he always wore black and white. You could barely see his tattoos except the little ones on his hands and his neck.

His cheeks were a bit pink from the cold. His eyes were a bright green color. His lips were pink and it looked to soft. I had an urge to smash mines onto his but that would just be weird.

He gave me a smile. Yes a real smile. After all this time, I finally see him smile. He looked adorable. His dimples were visible and he just looked breath taking.

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