The End Was Never Supposed To Be Like This

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The End Was Never Supposed To Be Like This

I had convinced Liam to tell the others and that was kind of a mistake.

Yes I love them all and I'm happy to be back in their company, but Liam and I hadn't had anytime to ourselves.

Luckily, after a few months - Liam demanding everyone one to leave - we got time to ourselves and it was amazing.

I won't go into details but let's just say it involved a paint gun and my obvious victory.

The thing is I was ready for coming back to Hell and ready for seeing the Devilation family again.

I was ready in finally being able to settle down with Liam, but this I was no ready for.

To be honest that is why I panicked and ran down the street, round the corner and into the public bathroom.

It wouldn't of been too bad unless I was in the Hell Wedding Dress.

Yes it is the day of my wedding and in 15 minutes time I am supposed to be walking down that aisle toward Liam.

Instead I am cramped up in this stool holding up my black and red flowing dress to stop it from attacking the floor.

Even though my hair had been pushed back, it still decided to be unhelpful and fall in my face.

"Ally you better be in here," Carrie bashed on the door,

"Umm no," I replied, "I am not the person you are looking for, I am Pally."

"Pally," the voice behind the door laughed,

"Yep," I nodded at my terrible mistake,

"Okay Pally, stand back," Carrie demanded,

"What," I looked around at the little space that I was not taking up.

Suddenly the door sprang open and slapped me in the face.

"Agh," I moaned; my hands flying to my face,

"I did warn you," Carrie smirked.

Removing my hands, Carrie gasped.

"What?" I asked,

"Your bleeding," Carrie pointed to my nose.

Frantically grabbing some towels, she started to wipe my face.

"It's fine," I tried to comfort her,

"No, it's bad luck to bleed on your wedding day," Carrie pulled out a black band-aid from her pocket and shoved it on my nose.

"Everything will be fine and thanks," I smiled at her.

Just that second a bells rang out.

"We are going to be late," the young girl grabbed my hand and pulled me out the stall, round the corner and back up the street into the wedding hall.

All my worries had gone with Carrie, but as soon as she let go of my hand they all came back.

Unfortunately I couldn't do anything about it because the doors decided to open and all eyes went on me.

My legs frozen.

Glancing up, I saw Liam standing there in his black tuxedo looking handsome as ever.

Catching my eye Liam whispered "You are perfect."

For some reason that was all I needed.

Racing down the aisle I arrived next to Liam.

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