Do Forests Secretly Have Evil Meetings?

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Do Forests Secretly Have Evil Meetings?

The night had come and go, and we were still driving on the road. I also still had no idea where we was going.

"Where are we going?" I asked for the thousand time.

The same thing happened. Christopher looked over at Liam
pleading eyes, whilst Liam carried on driving ignoring the question.

"We are going..." Christopher teased,

"Don't you dare," Liam hissed.

We drove for another half an hour where my stomach growled. Loudly.

That was because I saw a massive sign and smelt the deliciousness of McDonald's.

Liam huffed before turning into the nearby service station.

Hearing the doors unlock, I hopped out of the Car.

We strolled inside like one happy weird family.

Liam ordered the food, whilst Christopher and I got some seats.

"So, cause Liam is not here, can you tell me where we are going," I gave him an 'adorable' smile.

"Sorry Ally, but rules are rules," he gave me his adorable smile back.

Furry rose inside of me, "What do you think this is a game? Do you think this is funny? This is my life and I don't like me life being played with," I snapped.

Christopher looked down, guilty, whilst his brother was doing the same behind him.

"I'm going toilet," I demanded.

As I suspected, the boys followed me and stood outside.

I went in and empty my full bladder.

Whilst washing my hands, I noticed a small closed Window.

It wasn't that big, but hopefully it will be big enough so I could squeeze in.

Opening it, I started to clamber through.

I hadn't noticed how high up it was - There was a stupid slope - so I had just managed to grip onto the ledge and dangle down. (These are the times I'm glad I am not wearing a skirt 😉)

I started to slip as my hands got sweaty. Deciding my fate was already planned, I let go.

The pain wasn't as bad as I expected. However, I stilled hobbled helplessly along.

There was a forest opposite the building.

I had thought about it and went into the forest, which may like me better than the last.

Unfortunately I was wrong!

As soon as I had stepped in, the forest had closed around me and swallowed me up.

No light dared enter these trees.

I hadn't been in here for 2 seconds when I had already gotten myself lost.

Why Forest? Why?

I turned around 180• and hobbled back the way I came.

Half an hour later, I had managed to get myself lost deeper into this forest.

At least I was away from those boys. 😊

"Hey," two voice said in sync,

"Ugh, no, how can this be," I screeched as I saw them both, "How did you even navigate yourselves and find me in this Forest?"

"Easy, and why did you run away from us," Liam screamed. "His I can understand, but me," he had decided to bash his chest like King Kong several times.

"Well, I don't know, maybe it's the reason you kidnapped me," I shrugged my shoulder and told them sarcastically, "However, it could be many other reasons!"

They nodded and then suddenly gasped in surprise.

Confused I looked behind me and saw some sort of black portal.

"What is that?" I asked,

"It is one of the Portals that we needed to find," Christopher said,

"At least this stops us from taking the 2 more days journey," Liam nodded,

"What do you need to find it," I wondered,

"To go through it of course." The boys chimed together.

"What do you....?" I was about to finish when I was shoved into the black portal thing.

Around me pictures of my life, flashed before me eyes.

All the pain and all the 'happiness.'

Suddenly I landed on my hands and knees.

"Miss, you need to get of the Portal zone," this girl with many Tattoos hurried me along.

"W...W...where am I?" I stuttered.

"With an obvious voice she replied, "Hell, of course!"

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