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You sometime hear it from people, right? Things like: 'it was white, and I could see through it. It really must have been "it".' Or if family go with their relatives to a shaman, you see them swinging around with bells. And saying things like

'Oh yes, he has indeed been possessed by one. I will purify him.' People also say that there are buildings that are haunted. Guess what these stories have in common? It's all about ghosts and spirits.

      Scientists and doctors explain these things as mental disorder or a gas leak and such. But I can tell you, ghosts and spirits do exist and not only them. They are just a species from a different race then that of humans. No one notices them because they belong to the world of the afterlife, the underworld and the world of heaven. They have existed since ancient times. People call them many names. Ghosts, spirits, mythical creatures, monsters, demons, angels and even gods. Only a few humans can see them because they have a stronger energy flow than others. Some people also call this stronger energy flow a 'sixth sense'.

      Being able to hear the thoughts of other people, feeling what they feel and of course, being able to hear, see and feel things that shouldn't be seen, heard or felt. Did you know? Scientist say that humans only use about 20 % of their whole brain, maybe even less. But those people who have a 'sixth sense' can use some percent more than the average humans.

For all these times that I've lived, I've seen humans evolve more. From all of the things on earth, humans are the most interesting to watch. I've seen them research things, developing things, but also creating and destroying things. That's why I've been living among them for thousands of years. And all these times, I've seen humans evolve, physically but also mentally. And every time my story is different. And now, humans are at the peak of their breakthrough of science with their knowledge of technology. This is a new story of mine, about my life in a new modern generation posing as a teenager.

'So, let's begin...'

The Tale of Ren - Book one: The Hunt BeginsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant