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I pack all of my stuff and take a shower which takes an about an hour and a half. Now I have 2 and a half hours to get ready. Luke is still in my room but I don't mind changing I front of him ;). I choose my outfit which consists of a tight black pencil skirt and a white, loose, lacy, spaghetti strap top. I get dressed and turn around and see luke gawking at me. I smirk and to tease him I turn back around and pick up my towel up from the floor. Before I can stand up I feel arms snake around my waist. I turn around and peck Luke on the lips but he just frowns.
"That's all your getting, for now" I smirk. I peck his lips once again then across his jawline and onto his neck. I then turn around and go and into my walk in wardrobe and sit down at my desk to do my hair a make up, I put light foundation, mascara and dark eyeshadow, to finish the look I add some baby pink lipstick. For my hair I put up in a messy bun with pearl hair pins. This takes me a while as it is now 12:30, 30 minutes to grab everything and get to Browns (the restaurant) so I walk out of my closet grab my silver hand bag and put my phone, purse and emergency make up bag in it. I walk out of my room and go downstairs to see everyone waiting for me. I grab my grey lacy heels and put them on. I grab a jacket and we're out the door. I drive me and Luke in my car and mum dad and Ellie go in dads car. I get in my new white Porsche convertible but don't put the roof down, it will ruin my hair. I start the engine and leave.

**** durning the drive ****

"Jenna, have I said how beautiful you look?"
"No, you haven't" I say blushing. Yes Luke still manages to make me blush and whenever we kiss I get butterfly's and when he touches my face or back, I always get shivers and goosebumps.
"Well Jen, you look absolutely stunning, I wish you wouldn't wear all that make up though and would pull your skirt down, unless you want me get killed trying to save you from all the men that are gonna try and get some?"
"Luke that's not gonna happen I'm not pretty, I don't get what you see in me but your defiantly the only one!" I say starting to tear up. "I don't really know how I got you, I mean look at you, your so.."
"Lucky to have you" Luke says cutting me of. "Jenna you are the most beautiful girl in the world! I can't tell you how much I love you ok, you are the only girl for me and I'm never gonna let you go" Luke says rubbing circles on my thigh.
"Thanks Luke. You are the best boyfriend ever. I love you so much. By the way I think we're here!" I say parking the car. I turn to face Luke and kiss his cheek. I turn to get out but Luke grabs my wrist gently and pulls me back he then kisses me gently on the lips and gets out, I do the same. We walk towards the entrance where my mum is talking to the waitress. Luke grabs my hand and interwind's our fingers. The waitress takes us to the table and sends over a waiter to take our orders.
"Ladies first" he says to my mum she orders her drink and food he then says "and for the beautiful young lady" I feel luke tense up at his words. I order my food and so does everyone else. When he comes back with our food he drops a price of paper in my lap. I look and see it's his name and number.
"Excuse me, Damien, you dropped something"
"Oh no miss that was meant for you"
"Let me reword that, I don't want your stupid number try giving it someone that's single cause I shore as hell aren't!" With that he takes the paper and goes to get the rest of the food" just to annoy him when he's about to put Luke's food down I grab Luke's shirt and kiss him passionately on the lips. Luke kisses back and eventually Damien huffs and walks away.
"No more of that funny business at the table please missy!" My dad says quite sternly (we were still kissing) My mum just swats his arm.
"I think it's adorable, young love!" My mum says getting all exited.
"Ewww!" Ellie says when we pull away. I just giggle and everyone ends up laughing as well. We finished dinner and my mum and dad payed the bill. We go home in the cars and me and Luke grab our suit cases to take them to the hotel.
"Before the hotel I have a little surprise!" Luke says smiling "so I'm gonna drive" he says before I get in the car.
"Ok, just don't crash it!"
"How could you even say that?" Luke says jokingly as we get in the car and drive away.
"Where are we going?" I ask not liking surprises
"What don't you get about surprises?"
"Its not that I don't get them, just that I don't like them" I say back truthfully.
"You'll like this one" Luke smirks. After about 15 more minutes of driving Luke pulls up to this enclosed lake surrounded by trees.
"Omg Luke this place is beautiful" I say just loud enough for him to hear. We both get out the car and walk over to the lake. The water is clear blue, so clean.
"Jenna, here's a bikini a bought for you, it's from PINK I hop you like it... I can take it..." I cut him of by smashing my lips to his. He kisses back but we both end up smiling into it.
"It's beautiful, where can I change?"
"Don't worry no ones coming in, change wherever!"
"Are you sure?" I say unsure
"Do you really think I'd let you change if people were gonna come in?"
"No. Ok I'll be behind that tree!" I say walking off to the closest tree. Before I change I admire the black flower lace covered bikini that Luke had bought me. The top was a bando. I get changed and walk out from behind the tree to find Luke looking up at the sky. He was only wearing swimming shorts. I take the chance to admire his amazing body.
"Like what you see" Luke says tacking me out of my trance.
"U-u-u-uh, y-yup" I stutter. He still has this effect on me, now I'm blushing!!!!
"I love knowing I still have that effect on you" Luke says smirking. Now it's payback time. I walk up to him and start tracing his abs with my finger nail I look up to him and say "and I love to know I have this effect" I say as seductivly as possible as soon as the words come out of my mouth Luke's breath hitches.
"Tu shay" Luke says I just smirk "shall we get in the water?" He asks taking my hand in his. Before I could answer I am thrown over Luke's shoulder, he is now running towards the lake before he gets to the lake he swings me so he is carrying me bridal style
"LUKE YOU DARE JUMP, I WILL ACTUALLY KILL YOU!!!" I scream before he jumps and we land in the water me still in his arms.
When we both get to the surface I turn to him "you little.." But I get cut of by his lips at first I don't kiss back at first I just let him shape his lips to mine but I eventually give in and kiss back. I pull away and Luke looks at me worriedly I just smile and jump up and wrap my legs around his waist I look at him in the eye and we stay in this comfortable silence for a while but being me I get bored so jump of of Luke and splash him.
"Catch me if you can!!" I scream and start running through the water away from him. I hear noises behind me I turn around to see Luke nearly caught up with me. I turn back around and start to run but I'm to small being 5 ft 7 to get away from a 6ft 4 giant and end up with Luke's hands around my waist. I spin round so I'm facing him and he just stairs at me.
"What are you looking at?"
"You" Luke replies. "You know your bum looks great in a bikini." I blushed but tried to stay confident.
"I know right, I'm so hot!" I say, Luke pauses
"So hot" he then whispers in my ear. I looked up at the sky and try and avoid his gaze because my face was now turning tomato red.
"Babe, I know your blushing, but you kinda asked for it. We better head to the hotel it's now 5:00 pm and our reservation for dinner is at 8:30 pm. I wanted to give you enough time to get ready."
"Ok let's get out" we get out and then I realise I'm dripping wet "um.. Do you have a towel cause I'm really wet"
"Am I that hot?"
"LUCAS ROBERT HEMMINGS!!!" I gasped "you know what I meant!" He smirked and passed me a towel. Sometimes that boy just... Uggr.

We both got dressed and drove to the most amazing hotel. I can't believe Luke would do all of this for me. God I love him so much!! We went up your room and got ready I had this white lacy dress that didn't have shoulders but had arm straps. It was stunning, of course it was Luke who bought it for me, I could never afford something like this I think it's from Calvin Klein. I'm so lucky to have Luke!

(A/N: this is the dress 👇🏼)

Once we were ready we walked out of our huge hotel room and went to dinner in a LIMO!! When we arrived I saw that it was an Italian restaurant called Buon Ricordo

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Once we were ready we walked out of our huge hotel room and went to dinner in a LIMO!! When we arrived I saw that it was an Italian restaurant called Buon Ricordo. It looked amazing. We got out of the limousine and saw the little restraint was mostly outside and it had fairy lights all around it and right at the front there was a women standing behind a little desk. Luke walked up to it and said "reservations for 2 under Mr Hemmings" the lady looked down at here paper then looked back up.
"Where would you like your table Mr Hemmings?"
"Outside, but quite private"
"Ok please follow me" the woman took us to this lovely table for 2 in the far left corner but still outside the restaurant. Me and Luke sat down the woman handed us our menus and said she will send a waitress over in about 10 minutes.
"Luke you didn't have to do all of this for me"
"Yes I did, this is just a patch compared to how much I love you. I can't begin to explain!"
"I love you more" I said whist slightly blushing
"Not possible!" Luke said smirking.
"Any thing is possible!" I said back sassily. Soon after a beautiful women comes up to us she looks about our age but actually looks quite horny. She was wearing a black vest top that didn't really cover any of her boobs, a black mini skater skirt that came just bellow her bum and 4 inch heels. She turns to Luke and gives him a flirtatious look.
"What can I get you sir?" She asked completely blanking me
"Well my beautiful girlfriend here will have the lasagne and a glass of your house red wine. I will have your chefs pizza and a pint of beer please." I smirked at the girl as she turns to me and actually notices I'm here.
"If course, if you need anything else please call me over" she said walking away
"Did you see the way she looked at you" I said giggling
"Yes but...Did you see the way I looked at you?" I feel bad now
"Truthfully, no..."
"Like I always look at you, like there's no other girl in the world!" I smiled at Luke.
Our meals came and despite our waitress it was really nice. After we finished Luke started to look nervous.
"Luke, babe, you ok?"

Luke's POV

"I know that this is all very cliché but I couldn't wait any longer, Jenna Jacqueline Pow I love so you so so much and nothing can prove that but here is a start..." I get down on one knee and Jen gasps I open the purple velvet box and pop the question "will you do the honours of marrying me?"
"Y-yes!!" She squealed "oh my god I'm marrying to LUCAS ROBERT FRIKEN HEMMINGS!!" She shouted everyone turned there heads to stare but we didn't care. I am marrying the love of my life!!

Jenna's POV

I am marrying the love of my life!!

Luke took this beautiful ring out of the box ,it had one big diamond in the middle with lots of little ones around it, and put it on my wedding ring finger.

We went to the hotel and 'celebrated'.

Jenna Jacqueline Hemmings, I like the sound of that!!

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