Visit and make ups

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Luke's POV

When she says break, does she just mean from the tour or from us as well?I know it's only been 2 days since she left but I miss her so much and I feel so bad for getting into that stupid argument with her before the show that made her want to leave. She won't answer any of my calls but the tour is still going on and I can't ditch the boys and my fans, I know she's the love of my life but this is my career.

2 days later

I'm currently in my bunk sorta crying when Michael opens the curtains to my bunk.

"Mate you need to go and see her ! We have 3 day brake starting tomorrow and I really think after tonight's show you should go and see her. You're not acting or performing the same as you were when you knew she was here."
"Fine but are you sure I thought we were gonna do some songwriting on Wednesday?"
"Yes mate, go start packing so you can get a flight as soon as the show has finished. I'll tell the others."
"Thanks mate, I better start packing cause the show starts in like 3 hours and we have to go into the stadium about an hour or so before."
"Oh yeah bye"

I finished packing just as the other boys came on the tour bus and told me we had sound check now.

Our sound check sounded amazing and I'm so exited for tonight specially as I'm going to see Jenna.


The show went really well and now I'm on the plane to Australia waiting impatiently to see her.

The plane lands and I run to get my bags. I get in a taxi and tell the driver Jenna's address.

We arrive and I jump out of the car. I knock on the door and who I think is Jenna's mum opens the door.
"Can I help you?"
"I'm Jenna's boyfriend, Luke. I've come to see her."
"She should be up in her room. Do you know where it is?"
"I think so, I'm sure I'll find my way eventually"
"Ok well, come in!" Mrs pow said.
"Thank you Mrs pow."
"Please Luke, call me Kelly" she says sweetly smiling. I'm surprised she hasn't recognised me considering what a fan Jenna was.

I find her bedroom and knock on her door.
"COME IN!!" I hear Jen shout. Just a couple of steps, be a man Luke. I walk in and Jenna turns around she sees my face and her face changes from a smile to complete shock.
"L-L-Luke. I thought you were on tour?"
"I've got a 3 day break so I decided to come and see you because I missed you so much." I say trying to hold back tears.

Jenna's POV

I hear a knock at my door. Assuming it's my mum I shout come in. I turn my head smiling expecting to see her but instead I see Luke. I'm speechless.
"L-L-Luke. I thought you were on tour?" I say confused of why he is standing in my bedroom. He then explains his 3 day break and how he wanted to see me. I can see him trying not to cry and I'm trying to do the same thing. I miss him so much and I love him so much I just want to wrap my arms around his neck and give him a massive cuddle.
"I missed you too!"
"Listen I know that I will never know how you felt about our baby being inside of you and then not but I know that I love you and I'm here for you and all I want is for you to be happy with me or without. Preferably with but whatever you want." By now I have tears rolling down my face. Luke notices so bends down to the floor where I'm sitting and wipe them away with his thumb.
"I love you too Luke" I whisper leaning in. He leans in to and we kiss.
Little mature content don't read if you don't want to.
It's more of a make out session as I am now straddling Luke and he is on the floor leaning against my bed. I move my hands from his chest to the back of his neck. I slightly tug at the back of his hair earning a moan from him. I smile into the kiss and so does he. We pull away breathless. That was the best kiss I have ever had, full of love passion and also a little bit of need.

Ok now:)

I love Luke so much and plan on spending my whole life with him.

Luke's POV

I love Jenna so much and I plan on spending my whole life with her.


It's now the 13th of April and Jenna's birthday is on the 14th. Jenna and I made up yesterday when I gave her a surprise visit and I have another surprise for her on her 20th birthday tomorrow.

"Mr and Mrs Pow I've come here to ask your permission to marry your daughter? I love her so much and would do anything for her, please!" I beg. Jenna's parents look at each other.
"We would be delighted for our Jenna to marry such a wonderful man." Mr Pow says
"Thank you, Mr and Mrs Pow"
"Your going to be our son in law, please call us Kelly and Olly" I smile say goodbye and run to the jewlers to by Jenna the perfect ring.

When I get back to her house I hide the present and get into bed with the sleeping Jenna.

Jenna's POV

Today is my 20th birthday and I plan to be busy with Luke and my family all day. In the afternoon we are going out to lunch as a family and then in the evening, Luke is taking me out to a restaurant and then, we're going to stay in a lovely hotel for the night. I'm so excited . Once I am awake, I wake Luke up and we go downstairs to see a kitchen full of cooked breakfast and at the table waiting is my 3 family members my mum dad and younger sister, Ellie. I haven't talked much about Ellie so here goes. Ellie is 10 and we are so close .She has bleach blond hair and it is shoulder length she is a really big girly girl, so I always play with her. I love her to bits and really don't want her to grow up.
"Happy birthday sweetie" my dad says as me and Luke sit down and the table.
"Here's your present" my mum says handing it to me (remember I live in Australia). I open it up to find s brochure of a lovely 3 bed room house that has a spacious garden and swimming pool. It honestly looks like a mansion, oh wait it is. It sorta pays of when your families rich.
"W-what's this?"I say putting the brochure back in the envelope but when I do I see two sets of keys.
"These are the keys to your house and new car!!" My mum squeals
"No hun we're not!" My dad says smiling. Then my sister taps me. I look down at her and she smiles giving me a present. I unwrap the paper to find a lovely chain and diamond bracelet that has a charm dangling down, an E.
"So you never forget me!"
"How could I ever forget you? But thank you it's beautiful!!"
"Your welcome J, I love you"
"I love you to Ell" I say using her nickname.
"Thanks for breakfast and the presents guys, I'm gonna go get ready for the day!" I have 4 hours till lunch (as its now 9) which gives me enough time to get ready for the day and pack all my stuff for this evening and tonight.

School  (Luke hemmings fanfic. And 5sos fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora