Tour 1, Day 5

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"Daddy, daddy!"
"Harriet! How are you my baby girl?"
"Fine daddy!"
"Where's mummy?" Luke asks
"She's coming, just getting some food!"
"Hey Lukey!" I scream
"Baby! How was I?" Luke asks winking
"Amazing as always!" I say leaning in for a kiss.

(A/N they are actually in a hotel not tour bus)

I wake up with a smile on my face. Why did it have to be a dream? I then looked at my night stand to see the time was 10 in the morning. We must have slept all day yesterday! I thought whilst turning around to see Luke still asleep with his mouth slightly parted. I take my opportunity to kiss him.
"You just can't resist, can you?" Luke asks smiling as I pull away from the kiss.
"You do make it pretty hard! You just looked so cute. Anyway ok sorry I woke you" I say
"Oh no I wouldn't want to be woken up any other way by anyone else! He then leans in and we kiss for a while until we get interrupted by...
"Will you guys get a room?" I hear a very grumpy Ashton say.
"We are in a room, and can't you just go to the other room for like 20 mins?" Luke says with a smirk on his face.
"No Luke, this is Ashton's room as well!!" I say standing up and walking over to Ashton's bed. I climb in and give a Ashton's big hug. I see Luke frowning out of the corner of t eye. "Is Lukeywukey getting jealous?" I say mocking his actions by frowning and crossing my arms over my chest. I then do something that drives Luke absolutely bonkers. I peck Ashton on the lips. I giggle as I see steam coming out o Luke's ears.
"It's ok Lukey, I would never leave you!" I say as seriously as possible as he is now actually getting mad.
"Not even for me?" Ashton asks putting his hand to his chest and acting hurt.
"Sorry Ash!" I say shrugging. I hop out of his bed and run up to Luke giving him a peck on lips. He frowns.
"That's all I get, that's what Ash got!" He actually sounds serious. I just laugh as I jump up and out legs around his waist and kiss him.
"Better?" I ask after pulling away breathless.
"Much" he says smirking.

We go and wake up the others but end up ordering room service for breakfast as we can't be bothered to look presentable enough to go out.

"Luke I'm going for a shower, I'll be out in a minuet!"
"Can't I join you?" He asks walking up to me.
"No, Ashton is still here." I say but then I see Luke get upset and I can't deal with that.
"This once Lukey boy, just this once."
"Yeah this one today"
"Look who can't resist now!" I say smirking. I walk into the bathroom with Luke impatiently walking behind. I swear I can see him drooling. No just me.
"Stay here!" Luke says running of into the bathroom. I wonder what he is doing. "Okay, come in!"

I don't play my games that easily Luke Robert Hemming's and you know that! I walk over to Ashton.
"Ash there's a spider in the bathroom and Luke's gone to the super market can you get rid of it?"
"Yeah sure I'll go now!"he walks up to the bathroom door walks in and I think Luke has his back to him and he says
"Thank god I thought you went coming!" He then turns around as Ashton screams and runs out. I laugh so hard I nearly wet myself. Uh oh. Luke storms out this time with his penguin boxers on.
"How dare you do that to me Jenna pow?" He demands
"What you gonna do bout it Hemming's?" Then Ashton and Luke look at each other. Luke nods.
"Tiggle fight!!" They both scream at the same time whilst running towards me. I then get tackled to my bed and start screaming.
"Please stop your hurting my stomach!"
"Should have thought about that before your prank!" Ashton said
"No dude, she's preggers!" Luke says slightly worried
"Oh yeah, sorry Jenna!"
"It's k, I kinda deserved it!" I said standing up and going into the bathroom but Luke didn't follow.
"Hey Hemmings are you coming?" I shout back at him
"Seriously!" He grinned his goofy smile.
"Yeah you douche bag get over here before I shut the door!" White that he leaped up and full out sprinted to the bathroom. I ran a bath and we both got in.

Luke's POV

I walked out of the bathroom in my towel. I also see Jenna like this but Ashton still in bed
"Why you wanna do today? I ask Jen
"Can we go to the brag across the road?"
"Yeah sure I'm gonna go tell the others!" I tell her
"Okay but first you might wanna put on your trunks and a top? Also I'll meet you outside the room when you've told the others!" Jenna replied walking into the bathroom with her black boob tube bikini that has a late of lace on the top and a long grey tee coverup that says "me sarcastic? Never!" In rose gold. I pull on some trunks and a Niviana tee. An tell ash to get rest for a day at the beach. I then tell the others and go outside the room to meet Jenna.

Jenna's POV

I walk outside the room with Ashton to see Luke facing the other way. I put a finger to m mouth telling Ashton to be quiet. I then go up to Luke and jump on his back making him nearly drop me.
"Jenna that's the second trick today what are we going to do with you?" He says and then carefully twists me round so I am now facing him my legs still wrapped around his waist. The other door opens and he puts me down not touching the subject again.

We arrive at the beach and just have a fun day tanning and playing in the sea.
"Luke let's play chicken!" Calum shouts
"Okay all pic and patent!" With that me and Luke joined, Haley got on Calum's shoulders and Mikey got on ashes. Fist to fight were me and Luke vs Haley and Calum. The two bays backed up about 20 meters and then started running at each other me encouraging Luke and Haley screaming for Calum to stop. He did as Haley said and e and Luke won. The next round was Calum vs Ashton again cal chickened out and then it was Luke vs ash and non o us chickened out so the 4 of us collided and we all fell into the water.

After that we got ice-cream and went back to the room to get ready for dinner at some restraunt near the hotel. After this we were going clubbing which was going to suck for me not being able to drink. I might just skip it

I was wearing an sleeveless electric blue body con that had some lacy mesh parts on it (in image), with red stilettos, a nude foundation smokey eye and red lips and curled hair witch had the two front pieces pined up behind my head. I walked out of the rooms to see everyone waiting fr me. They all turned around at the sound of the door closing and all of there mouths dropped open.
"Is there something wrong, a hole in the dress?" I say starting to panic and search my dress.
"N-no you just look stunning!" Michael said
"Hey!" Luke said "she's mine!" He says walking over to me. "Are you trying to get every man to jump on you?" He chuckled
"No I just knew you liked this dress!" I replied slightly shocked at what he said. "Any away who would want to go out with me other than you who is clearly blind!" I say starting to get self conscious.
"I know I'm going to regret this in a second but...Who here looking at Jen now and every day would want get in her pants?" Luke asked. I then blushed as all 4 boys put there hand up, even Calum who was dating Haley. We stood there do a while until I said
"Let's go then!" not wanting to stand there in the silence all eyes on me any longer. Luke grabbed my hand and we were then walking to the restraunt.

"I'm going to go home, I don't feel like clubbing when I can't drink!" I say to Luke as we are leaving the restraunt. "And no you can't come, I am making you stay and have fun."
"Fine" Luke moans "but can we have our own after party?" I start to really blush. I swear it's his mission to make me blush as much as possible every day
"No because we are shearing a room with ash. Maybe another day!" I then lean in and kiss him on the lips before walking back to the hotel.

Luke's POV

We walk to the club and instantly go to the bar grabbing shots for everyone. After we do shots I grab a beer and wonder off to the dance floor I start dancing with the Michael Ashton and Haley. I then realise Calum is not here so I p and look for him I then spot him making out with a girl who is not Haley.
"Hey dude, I know I hate Haley but you shouldn't be doing this. You love her!" I shout over the pounding music.
"What, I thought. Wait I-i. I thought she was Haley!! Dude you can't tell her I can't lose her!" he says pushing of the girl that was sat on his lap and walks out of the booth towards me. "Please mate?"
"Fine but I'm going back please be home by 2am and don't let anyone get into trouble. Tell ash to try and not wake me and Jen when he comes home!" I then go to the hotel and crash on my bed falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow cuddling up with Jen as much as possible.

We have to be in the tour bus by early in the morning so I wake early and carry Jenna to the tour bus outside. The others get on there's when they get back.

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