Term 1, Day 3

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"Haley, how could you at that to Dylan, we nearly rushed it!" I shout-whispered so no one would hear us.
"I don't know what your talking about" Haley said with pride in her voice. Oh how I could strangle her!
"Yes you do, you told Dylan that we don't do enough things like that! How could you?"
"It's called sweet revenge, any way that is what you were planning to happen on Friday write, or did I get the wrong idea?" She said with a smug look on her face!
"BI**h" I screamed at Haley making the audience turn their faces towards me and Haley.
"What are you looking at its just a little argument, nothing to see here" Haley said with an embarrassed look on her face.
I got up out of my seat and sat next to some stranger, so mad at Haley I couldn't even it express it. At the moment Annie is starting to look like the goody, I mean come on!!
"Bunking school, wanna join?" I asked Dylan
"What even you want" he said and then gently kissing . We pull away slightly out of breath, grab hands and legging it into town to wait for a bus home. When we get to my house I pull Dylan upstairs to watch a movie on Netflix.


"oh.." My mum said cringing away at the sight of me and Dylan...
"I was gonna ask you if you wanted food but seem to be a bit busy!"
Me and Dylan look at my mum then get straight back to what we were doing not wanting to ruin the moment, if wasn't ruined already!

By the time the film was finished dinner was ready. I walked down stairs to get our food whilst Dylan put on another film.

We finished our dinner and watched a little more of the film, then things happens with me and Dylan...

School  (Luke hemmings fanfic. And 5sos fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt