Term 1, Day 2

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I wake up abruptly as the alarming rings on and on. OMG, why is Dylan still here? We must have fallen asleep after watching a film together!!!

"Dylan! Wake up Dylan!" I said as I got dressed
"Wait, what am I doing here? I'm meant to be at home!"He replied with a smug look on his face as he got up and walked over to me.
"Never mind I'm in a good place with good company" he whispered in my ear
"No no no, distractions. We have to get you out of here before my mum and your mum realises where you are!"
"Don't worry I'll wear what I wore yesterday sneak out of your window then knock on your door pretending I'm here to pic you up then I can meet you great friend Haley on the bus!"
"Smart but I don't know what Haley will think" I shouted as he fell in the bush below my window.
"Meant to do that" he mouthed back with a cheeky grin, then walked away to my front door.
"5, 4, 3, 2, 1,"
"Ding dong dong ding" the door bell rang.
"Hi Dylan, what a surprise to see you all the way over in south east, don't you live in Brookline?" My mum sang out
"Mum that is no way to treat him"
"No it's fine Mrs pow, hey Jen"
"Hi babe, come in, we will leave in 5" I said with a flirty smile on my face.

"Where is the bus, we're freezing!" I text Haley
"The crescent, who is "we"" she replied but before I could answer the bus was at the top of the hill

"Hi Ha.."
"Who is that?"
"As I was saying.. Hi Haley, this is. My boyfriend Dylan!"
"Hi haley" said Dylan sweetly
"Hi" replied Haley
"If it's ok H I'm going to sit next to Dylan today, so we can talk about what we are going to do on Friday night when my parents are out"
"Fine with me" Stormed Haley
"We will leave you to your funny mood and sit right opposite!" I replied with annoyance in my voice. Why couldn't she understand that I needed Friday night to be perfect? Oh right, how could she understand, she doesn't have the most amazing most perfect boyfriend. Well that's what I know. I mean she would tell me if she had a boyfriend right?

Hayley's POV

"Omg, I wish I could tell Jenna about Luke, but he's Luke Hemming's, I mean I swore an oath, right?" Haley thought " that's it I have to tell her, she is my best friend, any way one more person can't hurt"

"Jen can I have a word" Haley texted me, she better be apologising!
" yeah, whatevs"
"So the reason I just snapped when you mentioned boyfriend, is because I can't tell anyone about my boyfriend"
"Wait, what boyfriend" I replied quickly
"Luke Hemming's, you promise you won't tell anyone?" Quickly texted Haley
"Are you kidding me you like 3 years younger than him!! Who is going to believe that?"
"So you don't believe me?"
"No way! I know you feel lonely because I have the most amazing boyfriend but that is no excuse to lie to me, gtg and plan" I replied, then turned my phone off.

"Sorry about that, what do you want to do on Friday D?"
"Have you to myself with no distractions, other than our own ones!" He replied with a smug look on his face. He put a piece of hair behind my ears then gently cupped my face in his hands and very slowly put his mouth to mine making it very hard to stop him before people started to stare. I carefully pushed him away and mouthed "Not here" and then discreetly pointed to Haley.

We jumped of the bus and said our final good byes before walking in the opposite direction to our different schools.

As always I said hello to SQUID and walked of to lesson, yay Annie I thought sarcastically.
"Hey, yes you" she said as I turned my head towards her. "Why didn't my brother come home last night, and before you put that act on I know he went to yours after dinner!"
"I don't know Annie, Dylan and I just watched a movie, he left at about 8:00pm" I came back with innocently
"Well I don't believe you. I bet you two got busy last night and lost track of time, woke up in the morning realising who was next to you in bed!"
"Why would you even think I would do that let alone your very responsible brother" I snapped back at her
"Dylan is never responsible when it come to you, just tell me the truth and no harm will come, to you or him!"
"Fine- we watched a film, I fell asleep half way through a film and when I woke up instead of being on my floor in my school uniform, I was in bed with my pjs on and Dylan was asleep next to me! Now promise me one thing this info goes to non of our parents!"
"Because I don't want to get my brother in trouble, I won't snitch. This once Smithe, this one and only time!" She rudely replied.

By the time the day was over I had had enough of this life. The only thing keeping me company was Dylan, talking of Dylan...
"Knock knock"
"Come in"
"What's wrong" I ask in a desperate tone
"Nothing's wrong, just that you look so beautiful"
"Please stop it" I replied with a cheeky grin on my face. He walked in and sat down next to me on my be and leaned over placing his hand on my back, pulling me towards him, I lean in for a kiss then pull back as he starts to unbutton his top.
"What are you doing?" I ask with worry in my voice
"I'm being a good boyfriend"
"You were being a good boyfriend with your clothes on, why are you tacking them off"
"I'm tacking them of because apparently we don't do enough things like this, well that's what Haley said you said" he answered whilst removing his shirt
"Don't listen to her, she doesn't know what she's talking about, anyway we are happy as we are and don't need any more" I said as I leaned in. Dylan placed his hand on my stomach and carefully pushed me into my bed, gently falling on top of me
"I said no" I breathed as he finally released my mouth from his
"I thought this is what we were planning for Friday" Dylan questioned
"Yeah but today's Tuesday and my parents are down stairs!"
"I just want you" replied with sorrow in his eyes
"I know, but now is not the time. So let's just keep it as we normally do" I whispered as I laid my head on his bare stomach.

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