Tour 1, 3 Months later

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Lukes POV

Its been three months since we found out Jen was pregnant and we are all doing great. The shows are going so well and Jenna has a baby bump.

We are all now hanging out in mine and Jens hotel room. All on our phones.
"Aaaahhhhh!" Jenna screams
"Baby, what's wrong?" I run up to her worried. I then look down and she is bleeding like a period
"The pain!!"she shouts grabbing my arm. By now we are all crowded round her.
"It's ok let's get you to a hospital!" I say picking her up bridal style and waiting for Ash to open the door. Outside I see a car waiting for us I run up to it and the boys run after me and open the door I put Jen in and climb in holding her hand and cuddling up to her.

We get to the hospital I run her to the front desk and tell them she's pregnant but bleeding. The nurse at the front desk shouts for doctors and they get get a stretcher bed and wheel her to a room down the hall. Me the boys and Haley rush to the room but a doctor comes out and tells us to wait whilst the doctor sort out the problems and figure out what's wrong. We all the sit in the chairs opposite the room.

After about 10 minutes of impatiently waiting I am called in.

"The reason Jenna was bleeding is because she has had a miscarriage. We don't know why this happens but it does. I'm truly sorry for your loss!" The doctor says. He then leaves the room and Jen breaks down into tears I run up to her and give her a massive hug.
"It's ok, we can always try again another time. Remember we're young!" I reassure her. I hear her breathing even out and she stops crying I pull away and climb into bed with her whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

Jens POV

I just lost my baby. I thought hits me as Luke climbs into my bed and whispers sweet nothings into my ear.

I then say something I never thought I'd say again "can Haley come in alone please?"
"Are you sure?" Luke asks in a worried tone.
"Yeah just for a few minutes, I need to talk to my old best friend"
"Sure, I'll be right outside if you need me!" He says squeezing my hand. He kisses me I my forehead, gets out of my bed and leaves the room to get Haley.

Haley's POV

Luke walks out of the room and I can see tear stains running down his cheek.
"Haley, she wants to see you!" Luke says walking towards the boys.
"Are you sure?"
"YES!" Luke shouted at me I jumped back at his reaction. "Sorry, Haley. I just..."
"What happens to her?"
"Jenna she... she had a-a m-m-miscarriage" he stuttered and then fell into the seat below him.

I run into Jens room and give her a massive hug.
"Jenna, I'm so sorry! Don't worry I'm here for you."
"I just need my old best friend back, to get me through this!" She said in between deep breaths you can tell she has been crying, I don't blame her!

After about 30 minutes of just talking, hugging and crying all the boys came in and gave her a hug each.

Jenna's POV

After getting hugs from all the boys, my doctor came in.
"I'm sorry but visiting hours are over. I'll need you all to leave please." The doc says walking over to me to check on me.
"Can they please stay? I need my friends right now."
"Well I'm not meant to let them but they can stay" she said
"Thank you" Luke says sighing in relief. The doctor then leaves and the guys crash on the sofa, except Luke who climbs into bed with me. He cuddles up to me and the next thing I know darkness surrounds me.

School  (Luke hemmings fanfic. And 5sos fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora