‘Fancy a joining us on a roadtrip?’ I asked still looking at the tv screen.  I felt Kenzie glaring at me, I looked and winked.

‘Why where are you girls heading off too?’ Norman asked. His husky voice making his chest vibrate slightly. I couldn’t help but lean back on him more.

I heard Kenzie sigh before talking ‘Well our big sister Natalie, you must remember her, well she is getting married next week so us and a few others are taking our parents RV and driving to them. We of course are bridesmaids so have to be there a few days early but there is plenty of room to sleep in the camper, the others are booked into a hotel. We’re going in two days’ time, if you fancied it.’

‘Got us a whole lotta alcohol too, so it should be interesting.’

‘We would but it’s your sister’s wedding, we can’t really gate crash it’ Jensen said. I looked over to see Kenzie walk out to the kitchen and come back in with two envelopes. She flipped one my way and passed Jensen the other.

‘We have plus ones’ She said as she sat back down this time closer to Jensen and turned her attention back to the movie. I picked up the vanilla coloured envelope that landed on my legs and opened it up, pulling out the invite. I held it up to show Norman, leaning back to look at him slightly as I showed him. His eyes scanned it quickly before looking back down at me, it was then I realised how close our faces were. He gazed deeply into my eyes and I gazed back.

‘What do you say then Norm?’ Jensen asked interrupting our moment. I smiled as I looked away back to the screen, resting my head on him once again. My heart fluttered uncontrollably in my chest.

‘Sounds like it could be good fun. plus if it means seeing these two in fancy frilly dresses it will be worth it.’

‘Oh don’t even go there. We have no idea of how pink and fancy those dresses are going to be’ Kenzie said and I pulled a gagging face the same time she did.

‘If I remember Natalie correctly wasn’t she always up to date with the latest fashion aslong as it involved pink.’

‘You know Jensen it’s not too late for us to change our mind about inviting you along with us’ Kenzie said as she slapped his leg.

‘So who else is going?’ he asked with a smile as he rubbed the place where he had just been slapped.

‘Just a few people from school. People that knew Natalie and Charlie.’

‘Charlie? As in Charlie Sanders?’ She nodded ‘Whoa they have been together for years.’

‘Yup. No doubt Charlie will be pleased to see you. Perhaps you both can go on his bachelor party while me and Ruby are at the bachelorette party. No doubt they will have strippers.’ She laughed.

‘Babe, I’m not interested in no stripper. I wouldn’t mind my own personal one by you though’ I laughed out loud at Jensens ballsey statement.

‘Keep dreaming.’ She replied.

‘When you two have quite finished with your stripping conversation, we have missed half of the movie so shh’ I said with a fake stern voice. Kenzie stuck her middle finger up towards me before settling back onto Jensen for the rest of the movie.

When the film was over there was quite a debate over what film we should put on next. Kenzie won with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

‘I call a smoke break for myself and Norm, while you two sort the film out and order pizza.’ I said as I sat up from my laying position.

‘One veggie delight, one spicy chicken?’ Jensen asked as he pulled out his cell phone and dialled the number from the menu. Everyone just nodded to him.

Norman offered me a cigarette once we had walked down to the end of the garden to the bench.

‘You sure you’re alright with me coming to your sisters wedding? I feel like I’m barging in, as everyone will know everyone else.’ He said almost nervously.

‘Well I would like you to come.  You can be my plus one and I’m sure you will get to know some other people too. You will be with Jensen for the wedding the ceremony you will have me.’ I smiled at him.

‘Sounds good enough to me. Listen I’ve been thinking, I know I only met you a few days ago, but how do you fancy going out for a drink with me? Just us two?’ He blew out a small smoke circle.

I felt my cheeks redden as I exhaled a small cloud of smoke. ‘Well if you’re coming to the wedding, we will have to go for one when we are there, as I’m working the next two nights before we go. But I’d love to go for a drink with you.’ A warm smile spread across his lips.

‘That’s all I needed to hear. I like you Ruby.’

‘And I like you too Norman.’

‘Guys come on, I wanna watch leatherface go nuts and chop some bitches up.’ Kenzie yelled down the garden. I looked to Norman as we both laughed.

‘Niemo that is not something you want to shout so the neighbours can hear.’ I shouted back. ‘Come on, before she gets a kitchen knife out.’

The rest of the evening was pretty much us four just chilling out, we watched a few more movies, ate pizza and drank beer, before the guys called a cab home.

All Nightmare Long (Norman Reedus & Jensen Ackles)Where stories live. Discover now