Chapter 8- The Road & Reuniting With Old 'Friends'

Start from the beginning

"Where's Brendon?" I asked, wondering where the one man I was supposed to know had disappeared to.

"He's coming, he's just making room in the car for your bags."

I snorted. "Bags? Plural? I have one. Oh wait, and my school bag. They're upstairs. Hang on, I'll go grab them."

Sarah noticed the imminent pain on my face as I began walking towards the stairs. "Oh, I'll come with you. You really shouldn't be carrying anything heavy."

I sighed in relief as Sarah followed me upstairs to my 'new' room. I picked up my backpack and Sarah grabbed my worn duffle bag. I folded my blanket up and tucked it under my arm.

"This is all?!" She asked in disbelief.

I shrugged. "Yeah, I'm not really the favourite around here."

"Jesus, we'll have to go shopping then. Sound alright?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe. Who knows. This will do for now."

"If you say so." Sarah responded. We were greeted by a worried Brendon in the living room..

I nudged Sarah. "What's up with him?"

"Oh, nothing. He's just stressing." She replied. The answer was simple enough yet I still looked through her words and tried to pick apart her tone to work out what was wrong. I couldn't help but feel that I was the reason he was stressed so I bowed my head and just wavered near Sarah.

He tried to smile when he saw me. "Where's the rest of your stuff?"

I twisted my foot awkwardly on the ground. "This is it, actually."

He looked slightly concerned. "Oh, okay." was all he said.

"Now, where's that woman who runs this place? Do we need to sign something?"

I pointed to her office. "She's in there. She's probably going to try and tell you that I'm trouble and disrespectful and something, just warning you. I'm just going to wait out here. Her and I aren't really best friends right now."

***** Sarah's Point of View *****

I walked into the office with Brendon trailing closely behind. Mrs Hungin was busy at her desk, scanning through paperwork. Too busy to notice we had come in however.

"17th of April! Ah ha!"

"Um, hello?" I said. This caught her attention.

"Oh! Mr and Mrs Urie! You couldn't have come soon enough. My apologies for making you two kind folk wait. Please, take a seat."

I took a seat in one of the chairs facing the desk and prepared for her to speak.

"Here's the paperwork. Just a note too, she has been very disrespectful to me lately. I'm unsure if you encountered that but I am just giving you a fair warning."

I remembered Kaitlyn saying that she would probably tell us this. "Well, she's been nothing but a dear to us. She is honestly a lovely girl."

I watched as her face shrivelled up as she forced herself to agree.

"Sometimes, I suppose."

"Maybe she has just been having a bad few days. The hospital isn't exactly a delightful place." I suggested.

"Yes, well, she did cause herself to get admitted."

"No. She didn't. Gretchen attacked her." I said slowly.

"No, Gretchen wouldn't do such a thing without being provoked. Kaitlyn has never been a nice person to be around. Her parents were never much better."

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