Aqua Shard

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Nancy's POV:

Days passed by one after the other.
I never thought Zach could be so professional with me,more professional than the need be.
After the dance floor scenes, I didn't know what he wanted. He restricted himself to work and did not speak a word more, other than related to office.
His silence,I was used to because he never spoke too much. Agreed that I am the chatter box and not him,but at least he used to ask me once a week for having coffee together, or if not every Friday he used to ask me about my weekend plans;but that also had become a history now.
I had forgotten the last memory of we sharing any general story involving a discussion excluding business.

I thought of asking him once if everything was alright between us only if there were no ifs and buts like these:
One.I was afraid to ask him directly
Second.I didn't want to spoil it any further,damage done before was enough,I could not sustain any longer.
Third and the most important. How can you ask your boss,if everything is alright, he is not your friend to fall for those sweet talks!

So,this option of asking him straight is ruled out!
I was looking into blank spaces when he arrived.

I was looking straight into his icy eyes demanding for an answer without speaking a single word as though we shared some telepathy.

"What?" He said with a demanding voice.

I couldn't hold on to my silence any more and barked a little loud
"What's wrong?"

He was silent again. Speechless. Taciturn and reticent holding those lips tight against each other.

He seemed engulfed in his own thoughts and the only reply I got was "Working my tail off,need a break."

"Come let's go for coffee"

Mr Boss-head finally asks me out for coffee that too after so many days.
I could not believe my ears. Can you please repeat it again,I wanted to be sure about what he said.

"Repeat what?"

"No nothing Zach"

We decided to leave Office early that day keeping our work aside.
I didn't mind of course, because I am doing what my boss asked me to do!
Haha!Making a narrow escape from work, I was about to pack up everything and put the files lying on the desk into my locker;but then Zach called me up!


"Ms Nancy I have to attend an urgent call with the client,it would take me half an hour more. It would get a little late for coffee after that."

"Do you mean that we should drop the plan?"

"How about a dinner together?"the other side responded.

"Umm..I will tell you in sometime"

Now, just because he could not come for the coffee,he altered the programme into a dinner plan.
I missed this 'no boss' version of his for all these days.

My phone rang again. This time it was Veronica.
"Hi darling. How is life treating you?"

"Was treating me fine until a couple of minutes"

"Why what changed a couple of minutes before?"

"Zach has asked me out for dinner"

"Woa woa woa!The girl must be surely dancing by now"

"No,Veronica stop it"



"My dear Nan,just go have fun and come back safe."

"As your Majesty."I replied giggling.

"Will talk later. Give us every detail later."

I opened my message box and texted Zach:
I'm in for Dinner!

The reply was:
Ok!Will pick you up at 8pm from your home! Be ready!

Why was this sounding like a date or something! He asking me to get ready and stupid stuff!Ugh!

Anyways,I drove back home and took a shower and came outside my bathroom with a towel rapped around and rushed into my walk-in closet.

I chose a simple polka dotted one piece having a box neck and a Pearl necklace having two parallel rounds of Pearls and a burlap sack in hand just in case I needed one and like the last time I won't have to slip into his jacket or anything when we accidentally happen to meet on that night in the jungle trek.

Soon he came to pick me up when from upstairs I could hear the following conversation after the door lock opened.

"Good Evening Mrs Williamson"
"You must be Zachary ,come in come in!"

"Nancy",she called me out.
"Coming "I started climbing down the stairs holding the railing on one side completely aware of the fact that I was wearing those Stilettos.

I got into his car and the soon he was driving.
Now what!My so talkative self was short of topics.

"Nancy we know each other for quite a long time"
He continued "But we hardly know about each other as compared to the time we have spent."

"Zach I agree!We just speak work nothing more that that!
Don't you think we should speak about other topics as well?Family,Vacations, Current affairs,or may be even about the Buckingham Palace."

I giggled. He gave me a crazy look and uttered,"Buckingham Palace?I mean seriously what do you want to talk about it?

"Umm..don't take it in literal sense"

"No,now let us talk about it!"he demanded. How bossy!

"Ok. Its a great archaic work!"

"And?" He wanted me to continue.

"Umm..and its too big only to fit in only a few family members?I know I sounded like a first grade student.

And?This time I asked him to continue.

"And number of servants in the palace is more than the count of family members staying there"

"The Royal way"

"Hmmm" and we both started laughing.

"I didn't know even you can be a kid"

"That is because we mostly discuss work."He straightened up his face.

"But now we are not here to discuss work,"my spontaneous reply.


So now he is getting comfortable with me. He has changed from calling me Ms Nancy to only Nancy.
Good going, boss!With that I bit my lower lip.

We reached the place soon and the Zach gave the car keys to the valet.
A man in black suit escorted us inside the restaurant
"Welcome to Aqua Shard"

Hello lovely readers!
Will the next chapter hold some real good exchange of thoughts between the both of them or result into something never expected?
Well go ahead and unfold that part of the story!

Happy reading!

Boss But No BossOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora