Work Hard!Buck Up!

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Nancy's POV:

I hurriedly parked my Beetle and rushed to catch up the elevator. But there was some fault in the elevator, due to which I had to take up stairs and so I climbed them up on my tip toes in a very swift manner.

I reached the tenth floor and was gasping heavily and swiped my access card and entered the office.
Climbing the stairs was indeed a Herculean task that too with these formal heels.

"Vinny!", I called her out. That's when she gestured me a two and zero with her both hands.

"Yay yah! I know!",I responded.
I kept all my belongings switched on my laptop and walked towards Zach's room.

I took a deep breath and pretending to be confident I knocked his door.

"Morning Zach",I felt a bulge developing in my stomach looking at his face that resembled a stone.
Without any expression.

Zach's POV:

"Morning,You are late Ms Nancy."
"Here,take this file and read the to-do list. Prioritize your work accordingly.
Let me know once you are done,"
I said with a stern voice. The next time you be late,be ready to face the consequences.

That's a real lot of work to keep her busy for at least a week.

Nancy's POV:

How rude that was. How could he be so rude! No one talks to me like that!
Even he knew the reason for me being late.
Reaching the office twenty minutes late is no big deal that too only for one day.
Anyways, let it be. I took the file and moved out of his room.

The entire day I worked without any distractions and disturbances.
I did not even interact with my colleagues for even a while.
The only thing running over my mind was to get the assigned work completed.

After four days,I had completed the work Zach asked me to.

"Zach!I am done with whatever you asked me to do."

"Alright just email me the conclusions. I will go through them once and let you know if any client specific requirements are needed"

"Thanks Nancy." That's when I realized he smirked.
This was probably the first time I saw him smirk.
May be because I had completed all the work before he expected me to do it.
I just rewind in my mind his memory from the time I started working with him till date, just to recollect if he smirked at me anytime before this.
But all I could remember was he always keeps his face straight and without an emotion, a face difficult to read.

I gave him an amenable expression in return and turned around to go back.


After a Week:

Zachary's POV:

"Ok. Since you have completed the work allotted to you well before time and up to the mark, you will be rewarded."

Her eyes glowed in no time after I said this. Is she really this,a packet full of innocence or just a picture she is portrays every time I am in front of her.

Chuck whatever it is, she is a bundle of joy,a packet of innocence and lots sugary behavior from within that just comes so naturally. As far as I have seen her move around with her colleagues, she is always the jovial one and always ready-to-help kind of person.

She's is nice,but a real talkative. Unstoppable blabbering.
But that is the inherent nature of girls,as far as I have known them.

"What is the reward?"
She almost bombarded me with her question.
Such a kid in this industry.
Grow up girl.
But,I like my bundle of innocence.
Oh,what..what did I just say?

Shut up Zach!You gotta be drunk,not in your senses!

Nancy's POV:

Dude,I am waiting for a reply.
Is he so busy in his thoughts again.
No one will punish you,if you could share them with me. I just felt like laughing at that. But,I pursed my lips and kept calm.
Ok everything is under control now and I am ready to ask him again.

"Zach...I am waiting for the reply. What is my reward?"

"You will come to know it soon. Good job by the way. Keep it up!

Not that I don't like surprises. I love them,but anxiety is a bitch. I can't keep calm for long,but this was my workplace. Keep calm ,wait for the correct time. Be professional.

So basically I did not have any option but to keep guessing,till he himself would come back and tell me.

Hello dear readers,

Thanks for being patient and reading my story!!
Means a lot to me really!!
Will update frequently!!

Till then keep guessing what the surprise can be!!
Any comments on this, are most welcome


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