'No, I know if I do I'll break down and cry.'

Kiba: I known I have something to do with it. Just tell me what upset you.

Kiba: I'm coming over, and if you leave your house I will follow your scent.

'Ugh. Crap. I can't run from him.' 

You sat up in your bed, and rubbed your eyes.

'I guess I could play it off....'

You walked into your bathroom and began to brush your hair, and then you (straightened/curled it)

'Maybe he will believe me when I say I'm okay.'

You dressed in a brightly colored shirt, and put jeans on. You wanted to make him think you were happy. And what does bright colors mean? Happy.


"Y/N, I'm here, please let me in!"

You let out a shaky breath.

"I know you're here, I can smell you."

You walked over to the door, and before you unlocked and opened it to let him inside you forced a smile into your face.

"Oh, hey, Kiba! I didn't know you were coming!" You moved out of the doorway to let him come in.

"That explains why you left me on read...."

'I forgot about that....'

"I read your messages? I must have just opened them by accident." Kiba entered your house and looked around and sniffed the air.

"Why do I smell large amounts of salt and water?" He turned to you.
You just shrugged your shoulders.

"I don't know. Are you sure your nose is okay?"

He nodded and walked towards your bed.

"The smell is the strongest right here.....Y/N...have you been crying?"

Your face began to heat up with embarrassment.

"No! Why would I be, I was sick!"

He walked back to you and grabbed your arms.

"Why were you crying so much? Were  you injured?"

Startled by his actions you let out a small yelp

"No! I wasn't harmed! My heart was just broken at Sakura's party!"

He clenched his teeth together and let out a low growl.

"Who broke your heart?"

"You did, now if you don't mind, I'd like to cry a little more."

Kiba's grasp on your arms loosened and his hands fell to his side's.

"I don't remember talking to go You that night..." he trailed off.

"You didn't, it was just your actions that hurt me. I know I'm probably being childish about this, and I know I probably seen really jealous. But I'm not jealous, I was just hurt. And I shouldn't be because I never told you how I felt about you."

"Was...this about Imo and me dancing?" His eyes looked into yours.

You nodded your head.

"Y/N....That was just a dance. We didn't do anything other than that. Actually, Sai and Ino started dating that night because Sai became jealous of me and her dancing."

"I never would have guessed." You broke eye contact with him.

"To be honest, I was doing it to try and make you jealous. I saw you looking at me during the party, but I didn't think it would hurt you like this."

You sighed and then let out a groan.

"Boys can be so stupid....I'm not going to get jealous...well, maybe not that jealous."

He smiled and wrapped his arm around your shoulder before kissing your cheek.

"C'mon, I'm taking you on a date, you already look nice so don't worry about getting ready. And after that, I'll spend the rest of the day with you, because that's what boyfriends do."

'Boyfriend?' It took you a minute to process what he said, and when you did, You blushed.

"I'd like that. Thank you Kiba."

He smiled a toothy grin at you before the grabbed you and ran outside, but locked the door behind you.

"We're gonna have some fun."

Sorry it took FOREVER to post this.
How have you all been? I'd like to get to interact with you all more.

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