T w e n t y - t w o

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Maya's POV
"Riley! You did all this for me?"

"What do you mean? Of course I did! We all did!"

I looked around to find a few familiar faces.

"Mom!" I gushed wrapping my arms around her.

"I've missed you so much baby girl!" She smiled.

"Where's Shawn?" I asked looking around for him.

"Hey kiddo." He came up behind me with a gift bag. "Sorry I'm late."

"No, you came just in time. It's good to see you." I smiled widely giving him a hug. I always smiled when Shawn was around. He hadn't aged much since the last time I've seen him.

"How's California?" I asked trying to keep the conversation going.

"It's been hot. Feels like summer all year around." My mom laughed. "But the weather is nicer in the Spring. You should visit some time. I know you would love seeing Shawn's art gallery."

"It's a studio not a gallery, I'm not well-known yet." He blushed running his fingers through his hair. "But Katy and I bought a house in Hollywood. You would just love the view." He exclaimed.

"No more traveling Shawn?" I asked.

"Uh no, can't leave this one alone too long. Might burn the house down or something." He said jokingly smiling at my mom.

They both looked really happy. Seeing my mom happy is all I could ask for. When my dad left I didn't see much of her smile; and if I did, it was only to keep me from worrying. But I could always see right through her.

"Maya!" I hear a voice call me over the soft music playing.

"I'm sorry excuse me for a minute." I politely say and leave my parents and search for the voice that called me.  I look around but I don't see anyone calling me.

"Maya, over here."

I twirl around in the direction of the voice and see the light shining from the curtain. I look closely and see Lucas. He's smiling and gives me a hug. I don't move and just slowly move away from him. This isn't real. He's not really here.

"Lucas, what are you doing here?" I asked whispering. I hope no one saw me talking to a ghost. Is that what he is now?

"I'm not gonna miss my fiancée's baby shower." He laughed like it was obvious.

"But you're not really here, Lucas. It's not the same. Look you can't just suddenly decide to show up here and expect me to not-!" He kissed me suddenly shutting me up. I looked in his eyes...those dazzling eyes.

"You know what? I think you talk too much for your own good." He laughed holding my face in his hands. " look, I know you're scared. Being a single mom will be hard."

I frowned, "it's not just about being a single mom. It's about our baby growing up without a father. I don't know how he's going to go through life without you." I feel my eyes swell up with tears and feel my face heat up as a few tears fall down my cheeks.

"You're going to make it, I promise." Lucas brushes his thumb under my eyes catching the remaining tears.

"I miss you, so much Lucas." I whisper, afraid if I spoke any louder my voice would crack.

"I miss you too." And he lets go of me and all I'm staring at is the light shingling through the curtain.

"Maya, are you ok?"

I turn to see Riley holding two glasses of lemonade. Was I ok?

"Yeah, I'm fine." I wiped my eyes hoping she didn't ask me if I was crying. "Just really happy you guys did all this for me." I smiled and I meant it.

"Of course, peaches." She grinned and hands me a glass of lemonade. "We all care about you."

I see on the food table glass plates full of Fōnuts.

"Are those Fōnuts? Baby wants some Fōnuts Riley."

(Fōnuts are baked doughnuts, and are amazing!)

"Peaches, the baby can't have Fōnuts,  how about some healthy organic carrots?" Riley offered

"Ew, no the baby doesn't want carrots.

"But, Maya-"

"Riley, you wanna mess with me right now?"

"Ok ok you got it Ms. Pregnant lady."

I smiled when Riley brought me a plate full of Fōnuts. "Alright, heck yes!" I bit into one and smiled with my cheeks stuffed. "Baby really likes this."

"Yeah ok." Riley said leaving the room

After a few party games, I was just out of it. All I could think about was Lucas. That kiss felt so real. It felt like he was here. Maybe I was just hallucinating. I don't want this child to grow up without a father like I did. No one deserves that.

I'm so sorry it took me so long to update! When I met Sabrina there were Fōnuts and she said "heck yes!" So I thought I should some how incorporate that in this story☺️ comment below!!!

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