T w e n t y - o n e

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"Riley! I'm talking to you!" Maya called after Riley while hauling a cart into a baby store.

"We talked last night and the night before that and so on for the past week!" Riley exclaimed

"Riley this isn't just about Creepy Charlie, this is about you hiding something that important from me!"

"Maya i didn't tell you cause i knew you would go all Hold-My-Earings on me." Riley defended

Maya felt like Riley didn't trust her enough to tell her everything. She tried to focus on why she came into this store in the first place. She has been so busy lately that she forgot she needed to buy some things before the baby arrived.

"Let's just focus on why we came here." Maya stated

"To buy all the stuffed animals this store can offer!" Riley jumped up and down enthusiastically

"Riley, I came here to buy the basics. Like a baby bed, a changing table, some clothes, and maybe two or three stuffed animals."

Riley wandered off somewhere. Maya spotted the bed isle and guided the cart to it. She saw a few beds that she liked but they were all so expensive. $279! $169! Like where are these babies sleeping? A castle?!? She saw one that she absolutely loved. It was gray and had beautiful molding on the edges. She hesitated before looking at the price because she knew it would be more than she could afford. $299.

Maya sighed before moving on to the next isle. Maybe she didn't need a bed right away. She has about a month till the baby was born. Maybe it will go on sale or something.

"Hi, are you looking for anything specific?" A sales lady asked with a big smile.

"Oh no I'm ok." Maya said politely

Maya approached the clothing isle with wide eyes not knowing what outfits to get. Maybe she should have told the lady she needed help...

"I'll just get some pajamas and a few outfits." Maya told herself

Riley found Maya in the clothing department.

"Maya I found some sippy cups, forks, plates and these adorable little shoes!"

"Oh thanks Riles, you know you have been a huge help with everything."

"I'll always be here for you..." Riley smiled


Riley looked at her phone and it was Charlie.

"Gotta take this." She said abruptly

Maya rolled her eyes as she headed to the cash register. Maya was waiting in line when she heard a familiar voice.

"Do you have this In blue?" A male voice asked the cashier.


Josh turned his head and noticed Maya.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Josh asked surprised to see Maya at a baby store. Then he looked down at Maya's belly.

"Would ya look you! Who's the father?" Josh asked not prepared for Maya's answer.

"Lucas." Maya said with a wobbly voice.

"Oh! I haven't seen him since you guys were in high school. How is he?"

Maya was shocked that he didn't know. It took all of her to say "Josh...Lucas died in Afghanistan."

Josh's smile dropped in shock.

"Maya-I didn't know. I'm so sorry." He said with sympathetic eyes, those same eyes Maya gets from everyone.

"Thanks, well I better get going...Riley is probably looking for me." Maya said abruptly

There was an awkward silence until Maya broke it. "Oh well it was nice seeing you Josh, bye!" Maya quickly grabbed her bags went to find Riley in the store.

Maya found Riley in the stuffed animal section....shocker.

"Ok I'm done. Wanna go back to your place and take a nap? I'm exhausted." Maya exaggerated


"Have you thought of any baby names yet?" Riley asked Maya as they walked up the stairs to her apartment

"I've thought of a few...but I would have to see his face before naming him." Maya explained

Maya opened the Mathews front door to see a bunch of people and a banner that said "Baby Shower" on it.


Ok this is your chance! What do you think Maya's baby boy should be named? Leave a comment below!

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