S i x t e e n

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Maya's POV

You ever want to push a button and make it all go away? Everyone you ever loved and lost, everything that ever hurt you...just one button? No more fighting. No more regrets. No more noise. If I could I would have pressed that button a long time ago.

As Riley and I approached the church I had hesitation. My mind is still having some trouble rapping itself around the fact that he's gone. some people say funerals help you morn the loss of a loved one. I think it just makes it worse. Having to say goodbye is the hard part.

"he was my best friend." David began (one of Lucas' friend from the army) "A good person too. He was someone I knew I could always count on to have my back no matter what. most of all he loved, he loved so hard he was willing to die for his own country. Lights guided Lucas home, and we have to accept the fact that he is in a better place and that place is not with us."

Riley held my hand tightly. She knew I was starting to get emotional. I wiped my tears and tugged on my black dress. I hated wearing this dress. It made me look fat. I didn't hear the end of David's speech. I was too busy trying to stop the tears.


I snapped out of my thoughts "what?"

"It's time to go to the burial." Riley whispered while holding my hand.

"Oh." I looked around to find no one in the church. I guess they all left. I stood up and wiped my tears.
We were all standing around Lucas' empty grave. There were 2 army men folding up an American flag into a triangle shape. They handed it to me. I held on tightly to stop the tears streaming down my face, but it didn't do anything.

I felt a squeeze on my shoulder it was Lucas' mom. She was holding back tears too. I put my hand on hers and looked into her eyes. Lucas had her eyes. I passed the folded flag to her to hold. Without words I knew what she was saying, she had tears in her eyes and quivered lips.

The pastor gestured me to drop dirt on his grave. I grasped a handful of dirt and released it into his empty casket. A tear fell with it. I looked down onto Lucas. I wiped my tears and walked back to the crowd of people. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey Maya is that Farkle? I haven't seen him since he went away after high school...I heard he's come back from law school at Harvard to take over his fathers company." Riley whispered

I turned my head to see Farkle Minkus standing in the back of the crowd looking at me. He broke eye contact...creep, is there something on my face? Is my mascara running? I brought my fingers to my eyes and wiped away my tears.

"Riley stop looking at him!" I tugged her arm.

"Sorry." She whispered, Riley took one more glance I gave her an I-saw-that stare 

At the reception Farkle kept staring at me. I couldn't take it any more. I marched over to him and gave him a piece of my mind!

"Excuse me can I talk to you for just one minute? I pulled Farkle into an empty room "Ok Farkle what do you want? I haven't seen you since high school and you suddenly show up out of no where!" My arms are crossed and my eyebrows are furrowed

"Not even a hello? Hola? Namaste? Not even a how are you? I'm fine thanks for asking!"


"I like the way you say my name." He said with a smirk

"I see you haven't changed one bit."

"And I see you've gained weight."

*gasp* "is it really that noticeable?"

"No.." He said sarcastically

"Boy?" He asked

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"It's scientifically proven that girls make you look like crap and boys make you look like Greek goddesses."

"Wow where did you learn that?" Maya narrowed her eyes

"Everybody knows that..." He shrugged

"Ok, enough with the chitchat Farkle, what do you want?"

"Can't a guy just stare at a beautiful girl?" He said softly and quietly walked out of the room

What? Did Farkle just say I was beautiful? Stop it Maya your at your fiancée funeral you can't just swoon over the first guy you see! What's wrong with me?

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