"Well he looks like he should be a poplar kid, but I think he has potential. Quick lad, what's your favourite Pokemon?" Chris barked randomly.

"Gengar," Dan answered without hesitation.

"Initiation complete, welcome to camp mad," Chris said, holding out his hand for Dan to shake. Dan balanced his tray in one hand and shook back. Phil had out his tray down opposite Pj and Dan sat next to him, opposite where Chris was now sitting again.

"So Dan, how are you liking Stonewall?" Pj asked.

"It's alright. The popular kids are trying to eat me though, Phil has already saved me twice," Dan said, making Pj and Chris to laugh and Phil to blush a little. Chris raised his eyebrows at Phil and winked before returning to the conversation.

"Well if they bite you, bite them back. But only if you like the taste of fake tan," Chris told him.

"And desperation," Phil added.

"Aren't we a nice bunch of people?" Dan said happily, then took a big bite out of his pizza. He forgot how hungry he was.

"So Chris, Pj, Phil, how are all you guys friends?" Dan asked, intrigued.

"Well me and Peej have been friends since we were wee babies but we only met Phil here a couple of years ago. He sat on our table in science and boom! Friendship happened, and maybe even an orgy," Chris added, winking.

"You wish," Phil said and Pj hit him.

"Ouch! I am being abused," Chris cried, shielding himself from Pj.

"You're an idiot,"

"And you want me,"

"In your dreams Christy,"

"In real life Peejy,"

"Eugh. You infuriate me,"

"Eugh, I know and you love it,"

"Anyway," Phil chimed in. "If you two stop exchanging vows for a minute maybe normality can be restored. Well, sort of normality," Phil said when Pj and Chris started play shoving again.

"They aren't together are they?" Dan asked in Phil's ear while the others were busy.

"No, but maybe one day. Will explain another time," Phil whispered back.

"You too," Pj quipped back, making Phil go bright red and dip his fringe over his face more.

"Anyway," Chris said, saving the situation. "Dan I hope my gaydar isn't broken, am I right you are gay?" Chris asked, making Dan go a little red too.

"Only half right. Bi," Dan confirmed.

"So it's only Pj we have to turn," Chris said, winking at Pj who rolled his eyes to Phil.

"You guys really are weird. I like you!" Dan said happily.

The rest of lunch was spent like that. It was great having Dan with them as he made Phil just more at ease, happier, and learning how to successfully hide a blush. He couldn't help it when the boy was around, he was just too special. When the bell rang they dumped their trays and went straight to their lockers. Chris and Pj's were next to each others but down the hall from Dan and Phil's but they all had P.E next so they would just meet in a minute or so to get going to the gym.

"What do I do about a gym kit?" Dan asked worriedly as Phil got his our of his locker.

"School will make you borrow some but it's not too bad. You can at least wear your trainers," Phil told him.

"Okay that's alright I guess," Dan said and Chris and Pj appeared next to him again.

"Good to go?" Pj asked.

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