chapter 28

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A new girl started living with us i don't know who she is but she's annoying. She looks like me but she has black hair.while i have brown and hers is curly not wavy.

She comes in my room at times since for some odd reason I'm not aloud to roam the house when Luke's out there. I at least should be able to see the father of the child I'm carrying.


I told Stephan and the rest of the guys that and they dumped me in my room saying I should be safe or something like that.

I'm still a freaking prisoner in the house even though my brother is back. Although I wasn't really Much of a  prisoner before but still.

But locked in the room that I was put In when I was kidnapped is not what I was hoping for. But that is when your kidnapped you don't get to choose. it just happens. I didn't ask for this; moving here for my dad to marry Samantha, and I didn't ask to like luke and now have his fucking baby. Well mines.

I pulled on a big black sweatshirt with my leggings hoping to go out. You can't have. Someone locked in a room for a long time or they might go crazy.

Im not but Reading the same thing Every time is pretty annoying it's like when your walking into circles.

Opening the door that new girl is walking in she has a vicious smile.

"Oh your leaving?" She ask sickinly sweet and a huge smile of her pale face.

I nodded as a response. "Oh well I brought you some water" she said handing me the cup of water that I didn't know she was holding.

I smiled Thanking her as I took the glass and took a small drink. "Well I'm off" I told her handing the glass back to her. She smiled taking it as I walked past her to the stairs.

Midway down the stairs I started feeling dizzy and lightheaded.  The whole world seemed like it was spinning as I held for dear life to the banister taking slow step's.

I slipped loosing my footing tumbling down the steps hitting the ground with a thud. Closing my eyes and drifting into darkness.....

At the top of the steps Kaylie smirked as she saw her sister unconscious on the ground below

"That was eaiser than expected"

"That was eaiser than expected"

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Kidnapped by Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now