After our workout session, we laid in bed panting trying to caught our breath. I held Mira in my arms with her head laid on my chest she asked. "You know baby you still haven't told me the truth and story about our first missed opportunity at meeting each other."

That's right I had declined to tell her of the first time I ever got her scent all those many years ago when I was seventeen. Yes that was twenty years ago, something that had paved way in the man I was today. I have categorically squashed down the idea of telling her the story but I think now is the time she finds out. Perhaps I will better understand what had happen that faithful night.

"Ok twenty years ago, father had been invited to a catwalk charity event.  Money raised during the auction was being given to 'Save the children' foundation. I had been in England at the time visiting Oxford University for a lecture." I chuckled remembering that trip and how during the lecture I became the lecturer. It was a course on political science.

"Oh well, father had an emergency meeting back at the kingdom and since I was in London at the time, I had to represent him. Instead of him having to make a mad dash back in time for the show."

"I wasn't really pleased because I already had a game of polo match planned with friends I had just met. All human friends might I add. So having to cancel on them cheesed me off big time. Wanting to be the rebellious awkward son, I made a real good effort to get there as late as I could possibly be."

At  that Mira laughed and so did I.  "You know it's quite a laborious task to visualise you as anything but the perfect son?" I laughed even harder hearing her say that. "It's no wonder they say 'looks can be deceiving' even I have been fooled." She pouted as I ran my thumb over her lips.

"You sure are right about that my darling, though my father did deserve it at the time. Come on he ruined my chance with my new friends." I frowned thinking back to my childhood and how hard it was for me to make friends and actually keep them. Who could blame me? I was far from a normal child at the time. So I really went ballistic when father wrecked my fortune once again.

"So I got there fashionably late, as soon as I got out of the chauffer driven car, I had smelt the sweetest scent to have ever graced my nostrils. It was lavender and wisteria flowers, I knew immediately it meant my mate was around there somewhere and all I had to do was follow the scent."

At that, Mira sat up though still laid on the bed her elbows supported her upper body as she looked at my face while I spoke thoughtfully. "Well you can imagine Marcus's annoyance and howl of pain when we couldn't find our mate. After going around in circles and zigzags for an hour, father eventually had to stop me from searching any further." Mira whimpered as she heard that.

"How did he know? I mean he was in the kingdom at the time." Wiping her tear stained face with my fingers, I pulled her close to me. I hated seeing tears in her eyes whether happy tears or sad tears.

"My assistant, driver and guards were with me baby. So basically anyone of them could have done it. I didn't really care about who had snitched me at the time. But I did cry a lot for weeks to be precise. I blamed everyone and everything on the face of this earth at first. Then I reproved myself for my stupidity at wanting to spite father." 

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