Chapter Twenty Four: "If You Only Knew"

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-Justin's P.O.V.-

Y/N fell asleep on the way back to the house. You looked so peaceful that I didn't have the heart to wake her up. You had a tough day and your in need of some extra affection from me. I hate when you cry like that, but I love how clingy you become to me. You depend on me and that's what I want.

I laid you in our bed and tucked you in so you could sleep peacefully. I place a delicate kiss upon your forehead before leaving the room to meet Ryan downstairs.

"Is she still asleep?" He asked.

"Out like a light," I smiled and sat next to him on the sofa. "Man, I hated seeing her cry like that. She gets so scared of losing me."

"Isn't that a good thing? It means she cares."

"Yeah, but I don't like her living in fear all the time. I know she had a gang at one point, but I still see her as a fragile angel that has been broken way too many times. I don't want to cause her more pain than I already have."

Ryan patted my shoulder for moral support.

"You know how our life is, bro. But we'll make sure nothing takes her away from you again."

I smiled.


Ryan stood up and stretched.

"Well I better get going before it gets too late. Call me if you need anything." Ryan said before heading towards the door.

I gave him a hug before he departures and I lay back on the couch. Even though I love my girl more than anything, some peace and quiet is nice. Taking care of her is a lot of work- which I love doing -and sometimes I need a rest too.

Just as I close my eyes and let out a relaxed sigh, I hear a small voice speak.

"Justin?" She whimpered.

I look up and see your beautiful face at the stairs with tear stained cheeks. I slightly smiled.

"What's the matter, darling? Aren't you suppose to be resting?"

"I-I was b-but t-then I had a-a bad d-dream." She cried.

I sighed and sat up, opening my arms for you to run into.

"C'mere, baby girl."

You jog down the stairs and straight into my arms. I wrapped them around you tight so you felt safe from the outside world. I rock you back and forth while singing you soothing songs to make you feel calm.

"Please don't ever leave me," you sniffled, "I can't live without you."

"Hey," I cup your face so you're forced to look at me, "I'm not going anywhere, okay? All I'm focused on right now is protecting you. You're my world."

I got a slight smile out of you, but your thoughts are running a thousand miles an hour that it didn't stay long.

"We both know that's not guaranteed, Justin.." You trailed off.

I sighed.

"Stop thinking so negatively, y/n."

"It's the truth, though. You always told me you don't like liars and that liars get punished, right?"

I roll my eyes. I knew my words would come back to bite me in the ass eventually.

"Look, don't worry. I can handle myself and you. Just let your little mind wander and not worry, okay?"


"No buts."

You let out a sigh.


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