Chapter Ten: Trial

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-Your P.O.V.-
Three days since I've been locked up in here. Three. On the outside I look calm and collected, but on the inside I'm breaking. This place is terrifying. The food is disgusting, the guards bully us, and we have to use the toilet in front of each other. I haven't used the bathroom since I got here. My stomach is killing me. The good thing is that I haven't eaten anything so I'm not adding any pressure.

"Y/l/n," a guard called as he banged on the other side of the metal door. "You got a visitor." My eyes grew wide. Who would visit me? I haven't talked to anyone. Ghost wouldn't dare step foot in here. That's just asking for an arrest.

"She's only been here for three days and she's got a visitor? Man, I've been here for five years and I'm still awaiting trial!" Baker exclaimed as I hopped off the top bunk.

"Quiet, Baker." The guard hissed as I walked out the cell. My feet still hurt, but it was slowly healing. I walked past all the other cells. Each day I walked past them, I was still freaked out. You get numbed to the threats but the banging still gets to you. You never expect it.

Walking inside the interrogation room. I was set back when I saw her.

"M-mom?" I choked out as tears brimmed in my eyes.

She gave me a sad smile. I ran over to her and gave her a tight hug. I let my tears fall as I took in her warm embrace, her Bath & Body Works twilight woods perfume, and her sweet hair that smelt like the same old shampoo she's used for years. For a split second, I'm forgetting I'm actually in jail. It's like all the things I've been through this past week just faded away. It was only until the prison guard ruined the moment.

"Break it up, inmate." He ordered. I sighed and pulled away.

"I'm so happy to see you." I whispered before walking over to my seat across from them. My mother took a seat next to a man I wasn't familiar with. He must be the lawyer.

"Hello, Miss. Y/n, I'm Douglas Andrews, your attorney. You're facing a pretty hard charge. Of course, it's not as big as first degree murder but still, you can face life in prison."

"There must be some mistake. I didn't do this." I defended. He gave me a stern look which told me to shut my mouth and let him do his job.

"As I was saying, you have a lot on your plate. You need to defend your case without pointing any fingers. That just makes you look more guilty than you already are."

"I'm not guilty!" I spat, banging my fist on the metal table.

"That's it, inmate. You're going to solitary confinement." The guard said as he put me in handcuffs.

"W-what? Please no!" I cried. "Mom! Mom! Please help! I would never harm her! She's my mother for crying out loud!" But it was no use as they dragged me away into a new cage, alone and cold.

I was more weak than before. My stomach roared in hunger, but I refused to eat the gross food they provided me. I was alone. My thoughts kept me company, though they weren't particularly nice. They mocked me. They knew how to hurt me. More than Ghost could ever do.

I laid on the bed. My pulse was slow and my voice was numb. I couldn't sob much longer. My head ached for what was left of my energy was wasted on thinking. How am I even still breathing? I don't know the time or what day it is. I've lost count on how long I was in here. I haven't showered in what seemed like years.

The red door opened revealing a guard at the other side. "On your feet, inmate." He demanded. I followed his commands and walked out of the cell. "Where are you taking me?" I asked as he led me to a van. I haven't seen sunlight in ages nor breathed the freshness of the earths natural air.

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