Chapter Four: Public Apperance

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-Your P.O.V.-

I woke up early to Ghost shaking me awake. "Y/n, wake up." My eyes fluttered open to meet Ghost's hazel ones. "W-what's going on?" I wondered groggily. He chuckled. "We're spending the day together, silly one. I already got your outfit picked out. I wanted to wake you up before I undressed you."

"I can dress myself, you know?"

"I'm aware of that, but you need me. You don't need to do anything while you have me around."

I was still too tired to fight him on it. He undressed me before dressing me into some daytime clothes. Ghost put me into a new pair of underwear then put a bra on me. Proceeding to dress me in a black, crop top with some black, white floral shorts that covered my belly button. Getting some ankle socks, he put them gently over my healing feet before putting on some black and white vans.

I wasn't crazy about the outfit choice but I didn't hate it. I wouldn't have much say in it otherwise. Ghost picked me up and carried me into the bathroom to do my hair. After that, he carried me downstairs. He was already dressed. I still wasn't aware of the time or where we were going to go. I rested my head on Ghost's shoulder as he carried me to the car. He set me in the drivers seat and buckled me in. I let a little yawn and Ghost chuckled.

"Don't worry, baby. We'll be home before nap time." He reassured me before kissing my nose.

Ghost climbed into the drivers seat and started driving. Rap blasted through the speakers. I listened to all kinds of music so I didn't mind. I started doing a little dance and singing.

"And I get high with my baby. I just left the mall, I'm getting fly with my baby. Yeah. And I get right with my baby. I be in the kitchen cooking pots."

Ghost chuckled. "You like that song, baby girl?"

"Yep." I smiled, popping the p.

The whole car ride there, I bugged Ghost on where we would go. Eventually he got annoyed and told me if I bugged him one more time, we're going home. The truth was, I wanted to see the surprise. I loved surprises.

Ghost parked the car in front of Denny's. One of my favorite breakfast places. I let out a squeal in excitement. Ghost climbed out the car and walked over to my side. I already unbuckled myself so he could help me out. When he opened the door, I tried walking out but Ghost stopped me.

"What are you doing?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Walking. Now help me," he glared at me, "please?" I smiled sweetly. He chuckled.

"No, no, sweetheart." He scolded like I was two. I was confused on why he didn't help me out until he picked me up. I groaned in annoyance.

"I don't want to be carried in there. They're going to stare at me!" I exclaimed. Ghost hit my thigh, causing me to wince in pain.

"I'm going to pretend you just didn't raise your voice at me in public. You will follow my rules and like it."

Sighing, I bury my face into his neck to prevent myself from the humiliation. He walked inside and I looked around. I didn't make any eye contact, though. I know people were staring. Ghost pat my butt softly.

"Don't be embarrassed, sweetheart."

Ghost walked to the table the hostess led us too. I just kept my face hidden in Ghost neck. He chuckled softly on how easily embarrassed I was. He sat me in the booth seat across from him. He slide into his and the hostess handed us menus.

"Enjoy your meals." She smiled before walking away.

I opened my menu and looked for something to eat. Well, I was when Ghost decided to take the menu out of my hands. "I already know what you like." Ghost smiled. I rolled my eyes, a habit I can't seem to break, and Ghost glared at me.

Ghost ☾ j.b. & youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora