Chapter Eight: Questioning Faith

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-Your P.O.V.-

I opened my eyes to sunlight shinning through the curtains. I was confused on the location I was at since all I remember was endless highways that led to other endless highways. So, the question is where am I? Ghost was slightly snoring. He had a tight grip around my waist like usual so I couldn't break free. God forbid if I ever have to use the bathroom or something.

I just lied awake. My body slowly was coming back to ache. My butt was still sore from that ass whooping I recieved yesterday. What hurt more, though, was my heart. My faith in God is shaking and I don't know how long I'll last. I went to church all the time growing up, but I still receive this punishment? Isn't God suppose to protect you and not put you through any pain?

Tears flowed from my eyes as I felt let down by the man upstairs. I did all this stuff to please him and obey his word. Maybe this is punishment for not going to church a lot when I got older. But I was busy. He should understand, right? Everybody gets busy. I know, I know, it sounds terrible. You should always make time for the Lord, but I had so much going on that I just lost track. My faith has been tested so many times, but I still did my best to try to please him. This is the punishment I get? This is worst than hell.

Ghost is hell.

Ghost shifted in his slumber, causing me to move also. He pulled me closer to him and placing a kiss on my cheek. "Isn't it a little bit early to be crying, babe?" Ghost commented in his husky, tired voice. He must of felt my wet cheek when he kissed me. Fury at everything was building up inside me. I figured it would be best to keep silent so I won't make the mistake of speaking and letting everything unleash.

"Not talking, aye?"

I kept staring at the window as a few more tears decided to escape. "Oh, darling. No need to cry." Ghost said, sitting up and placing me in his lap. "You should've woken me up. Remember, I'm always here for you."

Something about his words comforted me. In some sick, twisted way, I'm absorbing his sweet touch. Am I that lost? Am I so fucked up in my own mental state that I'm actually desperately needing his affection? I can't be at this stage yet. No, not now. Not ever. How could've this happened? it's out of my hands and it's scaring me. He's gaining control over me. This isn't happening.

I snuggled my face into his bare, muscular chest. That tattoo of a cross that was on his chest confused me. Why would a killer care about God? He knows he's going to hell, doesn't he?

"Ghost?" I whimpered.


I was going to ask about his tattoo, but I decided not to. I'm not sure if he'll pick a fight or not. Besides, I don't want to talk about religion anymore since I've been let down so much by my own.

"Where are we?"


"I'm serious."

"I am, too."

I rolled my eyes. Even though I'm into all that Disney type shit, I wasn't in the mood for his jokes. We're probably in the middle of nowhere. It's not like we can just hide in a well crowded area where everybody knows I'm missing. That is if anyone is even bothering to search for me. I highly doubt it. They're only after Ghost because he killed my best friend.

Sighing, I got off his lap. Ghost looked at me. "Are you okay?" He asked in a mumble. That's when all the tears broke loose. All my emotions towards everything this past week just decided to break free. I've lost the control of my emotions.

Ghost ☾ j.b. & youNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ