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 I looked good in the dress. The dark colour suited my pale skin and dark red hair. I grabbed my leather jacket my mental poles and was ready to go.

"You look great" Sky yelled when she saw me

"Thanks" I said

"Any one your dressing for" Hunter teased me

 I rolled my eyes "Nope"

"Hope not" said Hunter cheerfully "Your give em a black eye"

"You deserved it" said the woman Hartley who drove me back to the bus after I escaped being kidnapped "You know you must be the back up member of the team I suppose Coulson felt sorry for me and took you away to join his name" she teased him as she and Hunter were always good friends

"Very funny" muttered Hunter

"It is" Bobbi chimed in "Your meant to be a shield agent Hunter and Lydia a freshman at shield high school punched you and you couldn't even block her" Bobbi pointed out

"Bye" I said 

"Do you want me to drive you" Cassie asked

"I love you" I said

 When I got to the party it was already crowded. I spotted Emma talking to Riley and smiled. Emma looked stunning. She was wearing a dark red dress that went perfectly on her. Her blond hair was loose and she always was pretty but she looked beautiful.

 Olivia was chatting to a girl. She saw me and waved. "Lyd" she shouted

 I walked over to her. "Hay" she said cheerfully 

"Um hi" I muttered

"You look great" she told me

"You to but then you always look great" I said and I was telling the truth but Olivia always looked great

 My eyes flickered onto the girl Olivia had been talking too.

"Oh this is Jess" Olivia told me

"Oh hi" I said

"Hi" said the girl called Jess "I love the dress and the jacket

 My phone bleeped with a message.


"Our you okay" Olivia asked me

"Yer" I said "Just Cassie"


 I turned around and saw Prue.

"Hi" I said putting my phone into the jacket 

"Come with me" she said

"Bye" I muttered to Olivia

"What is it" I asked Prue

"Hello to you to" said Prue cheerfully 

 I rolled my eyes "You look great"

 I kept saying that but Prue did look stunning she was wearing a long black dress. It was simple but it looked perfect on her.

"I'm so beautiful" said Prue dramatically "Come on let's get out of here" she said

"What" I said "Come on do you really want to hang out with those losers" she asked 

 Prue was never like that. She was always up for a good time. That was when I spotted Jenna. She held a gun and had it pointed at Prue.

"No" I muttered  

"What" said Prue

"Come on let's go" I said

 As we walked off I saw Jenna slink into the shadows. Please just don't hurt anyone Jenna I prayed don't let anyone get hurt. 

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